
How to add transitions between clips in moviepy?

How to add transitions between clips in moviepy? Question: My current attempt: This is my current code: from moviepy.editor import * clips = [VideoFileClip(‘a.mp4’), VideoFileClip(‘b.mp4’), VideoFileClip(‘c.mp4′)] transitioned_clips = [demo_clip.crossfadein(2) for demo_clip in clips] for_delivery = concatenate_videoclips(transitioned_clips) for_delivery.write_videofile(target_path, fps=clip.fps, bitrate=’%dK’ % (bitrate), threads=50, verbose=False, logger=None, preset=’ultrafast’) I also tried using CompositeVideoClip, but: It resulted in a …

Total answers: 1

how to transition from C# to python?

how to transition from C# to python? Question: i feel like i’m going back to the stone age. how do i relearn to develop without intellisense (pydev intellisense doesn’t count).. in general, how does one successfully leave the comfort of visual studio ? Asked By: billy r || Source Answers: I’m not too familiar with …

Total answers: 16