
python – collect full path till leaf on organization tree

python – collect full path till leaf on organization tree Question: I got organizations tree stored as json { "name": "amos", "direct_reports": [ { "name": "bart", "direct_reports": [ { "name": "colin", "direct_reports": [] }, { "name": "clara", "direct_reports": [] } ] }, { "name": "bravo", "direct_reports": [ { "name": "cupid", "direct_reports": [] }, { "name": …

Total answers: 1

How can I make it with this structure?

How can I make it with this structure? Question: #li = [1,1,2,2,4,4,4,7,5,5] #dict_index = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] to make this▽ make_dict = {1:[2],2:[3,4],3:[x],4:[5,6,7],5:[9,10],6:[x],7:[8],8:[x],9:[x],10:[x]} I want to make a "make_dict" like the one below by referring to "li" and "dict_index"… It seems like a tree of data structures. How can I solve this..? Asked By: 김민수 || Source …

Total answers: 2

Efficient Way to Build Large Scale Hierarchical Data Tree Path

Efficient Way to Build Large Scale Hierarchical Data Tree Path Question: I have a large dataset (think: big data) of network elements that form a tree-like network. A toy dataset looks like this: | id | type | parent_id | |—–:|:——-|:————| | 1 | D | <NA> | | 2 | C | 1 | …

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How do i implement this python tree linked list code in dart?

How do i implement this python tree linked list code in dart? Question: Here is the python code def tree(root_label, branches=[]): for branch in branches: assert is_tree(branch), ‘branches must be trees’ return [root_label] + list(branches) def label(tree): return tree[0] def branches(tree): return tree[1:] def is_tree(tree): if type(tree) != list or len(tree) < 1: return False …

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Vertical data tree in console with coordinates with Python

Vertical data tree in console with coordinates with Python Question: I have been trying a lot, but I am completely lost in all my different attempts at coding this. What I need seems rather simple: I have data structured like this in a list of dicts: units = [ { "name": "A", "parent": None }, …

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Python: Number of nodes per level in dictionary with breadth-first search

Python: Number of nodes per level in dictionary with breadth-first search Question: Assuming the input d = {‘title’: ‘Root’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Child 1′,’children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Grandchild 11’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Great Grandchild 111’, ‘children’: []} ]} ]}, {‘title’: ‘Child 2’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Grandchild 21’, ‘children’: []} ]}, {‘title’: ‘Child 3’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: …

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Flatten a dictionary into a list containing the indices of parents in their generation

Flatten a dictionary into a list containing the indices of parents in their generation Question: I have an input dictionary that describes a tree structure, eg: {‘title’: ‘Root’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Child 1′,’children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Grandchild 11’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Great Grandchild 111’, ‘children’: []} ]} ]}, {‘title’: ‘Child 2’, ‘children’: [ {‘title’: ‘Grandchild 21’, …

Total answers: 2

Creating permutations of tree diagram dynamically and scalable

Creating permutations of tree diagram dynamically and scalable Question: I am trying to create permutations which follows a datatree design in Python. The root should be dynamically and could contain a list of lists. This image shows how the permutations should be created Arrows show allowed combinations. This image explains what could be combined in …

Total answers: 1

Explain sum(int(td.text) for td in'td:last-child')[1:])

Explain sum(int(td.text) for td in'td:last-child')[1:]) Question: I came across this piece of code during solving a problem. I just cannot understand how the last line of the code before the print functions. Please explain. import re import urllib.request from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # url = ‘’ url = ‘’ soup = BeautifulSoup(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read(), ‘html.parser’) s …

Total answers: 2

Error when using a variable in recursion to iterate through a binary tree (Python)

Error when using a variable in recursion to iterate through a binary tree (Python) Question: def berry_finder(t): """Returns True if t contains a node with the value ‘berry’ and False otherwise. >>> scrat = tree(‘berry’) >>> berry_finder(scrat) True >>> sproul = tree(‘roots’, [tree(‘branch1’, [tree(‘leaf’), tree(‘berry’)]), tree(‘branch2′)]) >>> berry_finder(sproul) True """ if is_leaf(t): if label(t)==’berry’: return …

Total answers: 2