
Python / Jupyter Notebook – How to disable text truncation in widgets VBOX/HBOX?

Python / Jupyter Notebook – How to disable text truncation in widgets VBOX/HBOX? Question: I’ve searched in the documentation and in the forums but I didn’t find my answer so I ask it here… enter image description here Here is an line of my code to set my widgets: bankroll_init = wg.IntSlider(min=1000, max=10000, step=500, value=3000, …

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Truncate decimal places of values within a pandas df

Truncate decimal places of values within a pandas df Question: I can truncate individual floats using the truncate function in math. But when trying to pass the same function to a pandas df column I’m getting an error. import math import pandas as pd X = 1.1236 X = math.trunc(1000 * X) / 1000; #Output …

Total answers: 4

Python string formatting – limit string length, but trim string beginning

Python string formatting – limit string length, but trim string beginning Question: I’m using Python standard logging module with custom formatter where I limit length of some fields. It uses standard % Python operator. I can apply limit for percent-formatted string like this (this limits length to 10 chars): >>> “%.10s” % “Lorem Ipsum” ‘Lorem …

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How to open (read-write) or create a file with truncation allowed?

How to open (read-write) or create a file with truncation allowed? Question: I want to: open a file in read-write mode if it exists; create it if it doesn’t exist; be able to truncate it anytime-anywhere. EDIT: with truncate I mean write until a position and discard the remaining part of the file, if present …

Total answers: 4

Truncating a string in python

Truncating a string in python Question: Someone gave me a syntax to truncate a string as follows: string = “My Text String” print string [0:3] # This is just an example I’m not sure what this is called (the string[0:3] syntax), so I’ve had a hard time trying to look it up on the internet …

Total answers: 3

How to TRUNCATE TABLE using Django's ORM?

How to TRUNCATE TABLE using Django's ORM? Question: To empty a database table, I use this SQL Query: TRUNCATE TABLE `books` How to I truncate a table using Django’s models and ORM? I’ve tried this, but it doesn’t work: Book.objects.truncate() Asked By: Silver Light || Source Answers: The closest you’ll get with the ORM is …

Total answers: 9

Truncating unicode so it fits a maximum size when encoded for wire transfer

Truncating unicode so it fits a maximum size when encoded for wire transfer Question: Given a Unicode string and these requirements: The string be encoded into some byte-sequence format (e.g. UTF-8 or JSON unicode escape) The encoded string has a maximum length For example, the iPhone push service requires JSON encoding with a maximum total …

Total answers: 5

Truncate a string without ending in the middle of a word

Truncate a string without ending in the middle of a word Question: I am looking for a way to truncate a string in Python that will not cut off the string in the middle of a word. For example: Original: “This is really awesome.” “Dumb” truncate: “This is real…” “Smart” truncate: “This is really…” I’m …

Total answers: 10