
How Does the api.get_retweeter_ids() Actually Work (Tweepy Python)?

How Does the api.get_retweeter_ids() Actually Work (Tweepy Python)? Question: I am really new to twitter api, and I’ve been trying to get a list of IDs of everyone that retweeted a specific tweet. After several attempts i can’t get the ‘api.get_retweeter_ids’ to get every id. It always seems to get a few. I know there …

Total answers: 2

How do I delete most keys in a json file using python

How do I delete most keys in a json file using python Question: I have a json file with all the data I searched using twitter API, I only want to keep certain keys in that file and delete the rest of them but don’t know how to do it correctly. so far this is …

Total answers: 2

Handling Connection Error when using Tweepy

Handling Connection Error when using Tweepy Question: Hope you’re all well. I’m trying to extract tweets continuously for a long period of time, using tweepy library. For that I have a python script with an infinite loop running. The only problem is that everytime the connection fails, for any possible reason, my script will crash …

Total answers: 1