
UI automation frameworks can't see the elements on windows desktop

UI automation frameworks can't see the elements on windows desktop Question: I have a problem with accessing elements from Desktop after cloning and starting a Virtual machine’s snapshot. While catching the VM in the mentioned state, using pywinauto leads to a tree that looks like this: Pane – ‘Program Manager’ (L0, T0, R1920, B1200) [‘Program …

Total answers: 1

Update state from the UI

Update state from the UI Question: I’m coding a bot in Python that plays tic-tac-toe. The game is a Web app written in React.js and is equipped with an AI of its own that utilizes minimax. The user (which the Python bot simulates) is always X, the AI is always O, and the user always …

Total answers: 2

Getting x/y position on desktop applications for UI automation

Getting x/y position on desktop applications for UI automation Question: Within other applications on a Windows desktop I am wanting to get the x/y coordinates of certain things within the application. I have seen several freeware utilities that say they do this and have come across several scripts that say they do this as well. …

Total answers: 2

How to control Wireshark using python?

How to control Wireshark using python? How to click/press the buttons in Wireshark using python Question: I want to capture pcap (logs) in Wireshark using python, so basically I have to launch Wireshark though Python script which can be achieved using subprocess.call() or os.system() or os.startfile(). Now how to select the interface [ Wi-Fi,Ethernet] using …

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Find the ID of an element in a web page to use with Selenium

Find the ID of an element in a web page to use with Selenium Question: I want to automatically click on an element in a web page using the following code in Python: driver.find_element_by_id("book appointment").click() The web page snapshot is as follows: My problem is that I cannot find "Book Appointment" text in the page …

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Python code to automate desktop activities in windows

Python code to automate desktop activities in windows Question: I want to automate desktop activities in Windows environment using Python. How it can be done? Some examples will also be helpful. By desktop activities, I mean actions such as taking control over mouse and keyboard, access active windows properties, double-click on an icon on the …

Total answers: 6