
How to conver unicode codes into normal text?

How to conver unicode codes into normal text? Question: A REST API returns some text in this form: "text": "u0422u044eu043bu044eu043bu044eu043c-u0422u044eu043bu044eu043bu044eu043c" I know what language the original text in. How to convert it into the normal form? Asked By: duman || Source Answers: So I encoded the text first using the encode function. This would return …

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Removing emojis and special characters in Python

Removing emojis and special characters in Python Question: I hate a dataset that looks like this called df_bios: {‘userid’: {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, 5: 6, 6: 7}, ‘text_string’: {0: ‘I live in Miami and work in software’, 1: ‘Chicago, IL’, 2: ‘Dog Mom in Cincinnati , 3: ‘Accountant at …

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How can I remove Japanese characters from a string?

How can I remove Japanese characters from a string? Question: As per the title, I’d like to create a list of unicode in Python without having to type/copy-paste every unicode character I want. For context, I want to delete all the Japanese characters from a string. (This includes kanji, hiragana, and katakana.) This string changes, …

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change Ascii Text Font to Unicode font in Python

change Ascii Text Font to Unicode font in Python Question: I’m want to make normal text like this: Hello Into This: In python. What should I do ? Asked By: God || Source Answers: Your desired string is (character by character): (U+1D4D7, MATHEMATICAL BOLD SCRIPT CAPITAL H (0xd835,0xdcd7)) (U+1D4EE, MATHEMATICAL BOLD SCRIPT SMALL E (0xd835,0xdcee)) …

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ufeff is appearing while reading csv using unicodecsv module

ufeff is appearing while reading csv using unicodecsv module Question: I have following code import unicodecsv CSV_PARAMS = dict(delimiter=",", quotechar=’"’, lineterminator=’n’) unireader = unicodecsv.reader(open(‘sample.csv’, ‘rb’), **CSV_PARAMS) for line in unireader: print(line) and it prints [‘ufeff"003’, ‘word one"’] [‘003,word two’] [‘003,word three’] The CSV looks like this "003,word one" "003,word two" "003,word three" I am unable …

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Removing literal backslashes from utf-8 encoded strings in python

Removing literal backslashes from utf-8 encoded strings in python Question: I have a bunch of strings containing UTF-8 encoded symbols, for example ‘\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0086’. In that case, it represents this emoji , encoded in UTF-8. I want to be able to replace it to the literal emoji. The solution someone recommended to me was to encoded …

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Bangla words are broken while writing in a PDF file

Bangla words are broken while writing in a PDF file Question: I am generating a PDF file from CSV file. While I tried to write BANGLA language it just broke the words. Here is my code: from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF(orientation=’L’, unit=’mm’, format=’A5′) pdf.add_page() pdf.add_font(‘kalpurush’,”,’fileLocation/kalpurush.ttf’, uni=True) pdf.set_font(‘kalpurush’,”,18) pdf.set_xy(10,10) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.cell(w = …

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how to make PNG canvas see-through in pygame when blitting image

how to make PNG canvas see-through in pygame when blitting image Question: I want to blit pawnPic to the screen and leave the background "invisible" or "see-through". right now the white canvas is blocking up the whole chess board block so it looks terrible. Here is the shortened code that im using. FPS = 30 …

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Convert "x" escaped string into readable string in python

Convert "x" escaped string into readable string in python Question: Is there a way to convert a x escaped string like "\xe8\xaa\x9e\xe8\xa8\x80" into readable form: "語言"? >>> a = "\xe8\xaa\x9e\xe8\xa8\x80" >>> print(a) xe8xaax9exe8xa8x80 I am aware that there is a similar question here, but it seems the solution is only for latin characters. How can …

Total answers: 4