
How to upsert pandas DataFrame to Microsoft SQL Server table?

How to upsert pandas DataFrame to Microsoft SQL Server table? Question: I would like to upsert my pandas DataFrame into a SQL Server table. This question has a workable solution for PostgreSQL, but T-SQL does not have an ON CONFLICT variant of INSERT. How can I accomplish the same thing for SQL Server? Asked By: …

Total answers: 1

Spark Mongo connector: Upsert only one attribute in MongoDB connection

Spark Mongo connector: Upsert only one attribute in MongoDB connection Question: Let’s say I have the following Mongo document: { “_id”:1, “age”: 10, “foo”: 20 } and the following Spark DataFrame df: _id | val 1 | ‘a’ 2 | ‘b’ and now I want to append the val from the dataframe to the Mongo …

Total answers: 2

how to use python Elasticsearch client upsert api

how to use python Elasticsearch client upsert api Question: I’m using Elasticsearch python client as I tried hard but still could not find the update api with upsert. Could anyone give me an example with ES python client upsert api please. Asked By: Jack || Source Answers: The example code is following. from elasticsearch …

Total answers: 2

Python peewee save() doesn't work as expected

Python peewee save() doesn't work as expected Question: I’m inserting/updating objects into a MySQL database using the peewee ORM for Python. I have a model like this: class Person(Model): person_id = CharField(primary_key=True) name = CharField() I create the objects/rows with a loop, and each time through the loop have a dictionary like: pd = {"name":"Alice","person_id":"A123456"} …

Total answers: 4