
How to urlencode a querystring in Python?

How to urlencode a querystring in Python? Question: I am trying to urlencode this string before I submit. queryString = ‘eventName=’ + evt.fields[“eventName”] + ‘&’ + ‘eventDescription=’ + evt.fields[“eventDescription”]; Asked By: James || Source Answers: You need to pass your parameters into urlencode() as either a mapping (dict), or a sequence of 2-tuples, like: >>> …

Total answers: 15

Error with urlencode in python

Error with urlencode in python Question: I have this: a = {‘album’: u’Metamorphine’, ‘group’: ‘monoku’, ‘name’: u’Son Of Venus (Dannyxb4s Song)’, ‘artist’: u’Leandra’, ‘checksum’: ‘2836e33d42baf947e8c8adef48921f2f76fcb37eea9c50b0b59d7651’, ‘track_number’: 8, ‘year’: ‘2008’, ‘genre’: ‘Darkwave’, ‘path’: u’/media/data/musik/Leandra/2008. Metamorphine/08. Son Of Venus (Dannyxb4s Song).mp3′, ‘user_email’: ‘[email protected]’, ‘size’: 6624104} data = urllib.urlencode(mp3_data) And that raise an exception: Traceback (most recent call …

Total answers: 4

How can I percent-encode URL parameters in Python?

How can I percent-encode URL parameters in Python? Question: If I do url = "http://example.com?p=" + urllib.quote(query) It doesn’t encode / to %2F (breaks OAuth normalization) It doesn’t handle Unicode (it throws an exception) Is there a better library? Asked By: Paul Tarjan || Source Answers: From the Python 3 documentation: urllib.parse.quote(string, safe=’/’, encoding=None, errors=None) …

Total answers: 6