
Visual Elements not updating in real time with Taipy GUI

Visual Elements not updating in real time with Taipy GUI Question: Is it normal that when I attempt to add a value to my list or change my data using a button, I do not observe any modifications on the GUI? Despite this, after refreshing the page, the accurate list is displayed. from taipy.gui import …

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Troubleshooting Specific Button Visuals: How to Modify Individual Buttons Using CSS in Taipy

Troubleshooting Specific Button Visuals: How to Modify Individual Buttons Using CSS in Taipy Question: I’m new to Taipy and CSS and currently facing an issue where I’m unable to modify the visual appearance of specific buttons using CSS. Although I tried changing the ‘class_name‘ of a particular button in my .css file, it didn’t work …

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How to get Mouse Cursor Position on Form in a Python FMX GUI App?

How to get Mouse Cursor Position on Form in a Python FMX GUI App? Question: I’ve built a simple Form using the DelphiFMX GUI Library for Python. The Form has a MouseMove event attached to it. What I basically want is the X and Y coordinates of the mouse on the Form when you move …

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how to know if user closed a tkinter window?

how to know if user closed a tkinter window? Question: how to know that user cliked on "X" button on top right corner of tkinter window and closed ( destroyed ) it? i want to use the result of this to destroy another while loop. edit : i reviewed the suggested question but no , …

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How do I update a label with information that changes based on a button click

How do I update a label with information that changes based on a button click Question: import tkinter top = tkinter.Tk() class Person: def __init__ (self): = 100 def sword(self): = – 10 print( n = Person() sh = tkinter.Label(top, text=str( = .5, y = .5) button = tkinter.Button(top, text="sword", command=n.sword), …

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Pyside6 get index of dynamically created widget

Pyside6 get index of dynamically created widget Question: I’ve written this simple script(for concept understanding) to better understand how to handle/manage dynamically created combo boxes. So in this example, we have a total of 5 dynamically created combo boxes, each containing a list of 3 variables. When selecting any variable the function comboFunction is run. …

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Unexpected Grid behavior in Tkinter

Unexpected Grid behavior in Tkinter Question: I am coding a game in Python with tkinter. The basic functionality is that an image is displayed but it’s covered with a grid of boxes that can be destroyed. I’ve written a linear version of the code that is as simplified as I can get it: from tkinter …

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How to I exactly the position of a kivy text label on a canvas?

How to I exactly the position of a kivy text label on a canvas? Question: I have designed the following in figma. I have created a 500px x 500px window and a widget. I want to place the "in motion" text 160px from the left and 207px from the top. figma design For images, that …

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How can I reuse my function without any error?

How can I reuse my function without any error? Question: I want to make my lineEdits turn red if they are empty when I click submit button. After adding something back I want to make my lineEdit turn back to white. from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QApplication, QFileDialog …

Total answers: 1