
Python/Django – Avoid saving passwords in source code

Python/Django – Avoid saving passwords in source code Question: I use Python and Django to create web applications, which we store in source control. The way Django is normally set up, the passwords are in plain text within the file. Storing my password in plain text would open me up to a number of …

Total answers: 4

How can I save my secret keys and password securely in my version control system?

How can I save my secret keys and password securely in my version control system? Question: I keep important settings like the hostnames and ports of development and production servers in my version control system. But I know that it’s bad practice to keep secrets (like private keys and database passwords) in a VCS repository. …

Total answers: 17

Which files should I tell my VCS to ignore when using Sphinx for documentation?

Which files should I tell my VCS to ignore when using Sphinx for documentation? Question: I want to start using Sphinx to document my project. I told Sphinx to use separate source and build directories during sphinx-quickstart. Now my directory layout is the following: MyProject/ myproject/ docs/ source/ .static/ .templates/ index.rst build/ …

Total answers: 2