
Pytorch different outputs between with transpose

Pytorch different outputs between with transpose Question: Let I have a tensor dimension of (B, N^2, C) and I reshape it into (B, C, N, N). I think that I have two choices below A = torch.rand(5, 100, 20) # Original Tensor # First Method B = torch.transpose(2, 1) B = B.view(5, 20, 10, 10) …

Total answers: 2

Pagination of search results only in Django not working

Pagination of search results only in Django not working Question: I have implemented a search bar and function into a django web app in the following view: def search_products(request): search_query = request.GET.get(‘search’, ”) products = Product.objects.filter(Q(name__icontains=search_query) | Q(brand__icontains=search_query)) paginator = Paginator(products, 40) page_number = request.GET.get(‘page’, 1) page = paginator.get_page(page_number) if page.has_next(): next_url = f’?page={page.next_page_number()}’ else: …

Total answers: 1

Dictionary view objects vs sets

Dictionary view objects vs sets Question: I have been reading about these dictionary view objects that are returned by the likes of dict.keys(), including the posts on here about the subject. I understand they act as windows to the dictionary’s contents without storing a copy of said contents explicitly and in so are more efficient …

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What is dispatch used for in django?

What is dispatch used for in django? Question: I have been trying to wrap my head around the dispatch method, particularly in Django. However, I cannot seem to figure out exactly what it does. I tried to gain an understanding from the Django docs but didn’t find them to informative on this topic. Per my …

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django – TypeError how to get instance of a foreignkey from the user instance

django – TypeError how to get instance of a foreignkey from the user instance Question: I am getting the following type error and its due to this instance in view. The model as you can see below where Employee is onetoone relation to User and Company is the foreignkey to the Employee. How would I …

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How to run 2 views at the same time in Django?

run two views at the same time Question: So as the title says, im trying to run two views at the same time. Or at least, that is what i think i have to do. I have system that lets user like the model and if model like count is bigger than 3, the view …

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Django print sqlite db data in template

Django print sqlite db data in template Question: I’m new to django and I’m having a little difficulty getting my database data to print onto my page. I’d appreciate help – and I know I’m doing something silly but I’ve kinda hit the wall. I have the DB set up and I can access the …

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Check if an object exists

Check if an object exists Question: I need to check if Model.objects.filter(…) turned up anything, but do not need to insert anything. My code so far is: user_pass = log_in(request.POST) # form class if user_pass.is_valid(): cleaned_info = user_pass.cleaned_data user_object = User.objects.filter(email = cleaned_info[‘username’]) Asked By: sinθ || Source Answers: Since filter returns a QuerySet, you …

Total answers: 6

What are dictionary view objects?

What are dictionary view objects? Question: In python 2.7, we got the dictionary view methods available. Now, I know the pro and cons of the following: dict.items() (and values, keys): returns a list, so you can actually store the result, and dict.iteritems() (and the like): returns a generator, so you can iterate over each value …

Total answers: 5