
Django website deploy error: Failed building wheel for Pillow, Reportlab in cPanel

Django website deploy error: Failed building wheel for Pillow, Reportlab in cPanel Question: I am trying to use xhtml to pdf libray my code is on goddady cpanel. i have tried pip install reportlab pip install xhtml2pdf pip install –pre xhtml2pdf and no one works non of these commands works on the cpanel i am …

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why i am getting – file cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

why i am getting – file cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system Question: While loading a python file in pycharm i am getting the following warning, earlier it was not there also print(‘Hello’) is working as expected but i am not able to install django. File C:UsersabhiPycharmProjectsdjango_appsvenvScriptsactivate.ps1 cannot be loaded …

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Why i already have installed modules in my virtualenv?

Why i already have installed modules in my virtualenv? Question: I have globally installed modules in my pc, but when i create a virtualenv some of the modules are already preinstalled in it, but when i execute ‘pip freeze’ in my virtualenv there are no installed modules. commands like django-admin , cookiecutter already work in …

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Can't get FontForge to import as a module in a custom Python script

Can't get FontForge to import as a module in a custom Python script Question: I have the following script: import fontforge import os.path import sys if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Usage: [FONT] [OUTPUTDIR]") exit(1) fontpath = sys.argv[1] font = outdir = sys.argv[2] if os.path.exists(outdir): pass elif os.access(os.path.dirname(outdir), os.W_OK): os.makedirs(outdir) else: exit(1) for name in font: …

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Why my python package doesn't install in my virtualenv?

Why my python package doesn't install in my virtualenv? Question: I made my own package, I succesfully installed it in my global pip with the command python install (from the directory where the code is) but when I tried the same command in a virtualenv everything seems to work but when I look at …

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Can I just delete the venv folder in django to delete virtual environment?

Can I just delete the venv folder in django to delete virtual environment? Question: I just want to check one thing, which is whether it is okay to delete a env folder. Other posts only discuss about how to remove it by code, or when the OS system is linux. I am trying to remove …

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Exception has occurred: ImportError Vscode While Debugging

Exception has occurred: ImportError Vscode While Debugging Question: I am trying to try the debug tool in my vs code I am totally new to vs code and I am getting an error such as this when I run it ERROR MESSAGE I have a folder called .vscode with a launch.json file ` "version": "0.2.0", …

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Visual Studio Code issue selecting Virtual Environment Python interpreter

Visual Studio Code issue selecting Virtual Environment Python interpreter Question: I have set up a virtual environment (.venv) in a VS Code workspace, which I use for learning Python programming, and have selected the Python interpreter in .venv. About 2 out of every 3 times when starting up VS Code, this Python interpreter gets discovered …

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zsh always show Python virtual env

zsh always show Python virtual env Question: I currently have this script to show my GitHub branch and virtual env: setopt PROMPT_SUBST autoload -Uz vcs_info precmd() { vcs_info } zstyle ‘:vcs_info:git:*’ formats ‘(%b)’ MYPS1=” MYPS1+=’%F{green}’ MYPS1+=’${${(%):-%n}:0:1}’ MYPS1+=’@’ MYPS1+=’${${(%):-%m}:(-4)}’ # Get last 4 chars of var machine name MYPS1+=’:’ MYPS1+=’%F{yellow}’ MYPS1+=’%1~’ # Show only the name …

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