
Plotly – set decimal place in choropleth

Plotly – set decimal place in choropleth Question: How do you convert number 1.425887B to 1.4 in plotly choropleth ? data2022 = dict(type = ‘choropleth’, colorscale = ‘agsunset’, reversescale = True, locations = df[‘Country/Territory’], locationmode = ‘country names’, z = df[‘2022 Population’], text = df[‘CCA3’ ], marker = dict(line = dict(color = ‘rgb(12, 12, 12)’, …

Total answers: 2

Python display labels for the line series chart

Python display labels for the line series chart Question: I’m trying to build a line chart with the labels, but I can’t find how to achieve this. Basically, I want to have value for the point above the marker. d = {‘Year’: [‘2010’, ‘2011’, ‘2012’, ‘2013’, ‘2014’, ‘2015’, ‘2016’, ‘2017’, ‘2018’, ‘2019’], ‘Total’: [1133.34262,1139.36454,1151.42072,1134.42854,1127.49346,1121.54558,1118.75674,1112.13016,1111.08126,1112.37696], ‘Metric1’:[444.4251,453.495,452.59418,454.63028,456.53064,456.17278,456.5183,455.35834,456.49362,456.4566], …

Total answers: 3

Matplotlib Pandas: visualization of 3 columns (Python)

Matplotlib Pandas: visualization of 3 columns (Python) Question: I have parsed data and created a small data frame that looks like this: Region State or Province Sales Central Illinois 98971.25 East New York 223930.48 South Florida 87651.11 West California 288310.61 And I want my graph to look like this: Let me know if this is …

Total answers: 1

Altair Charts containing Encoding of Special Characters

Altair Charts containing Encoding of Special Characters Question: I am trying to plot a chart from a spreadsheet with this code. import pandas as pd import altair as alt crude_df = pd.read_excel(open(‘PET_CONS_PSUP_DC_NUS_MBBLPD_M.xls’, ‘rb’), sheet_name=’Data 1′,index_col=None, header=2) alt.Chart(crude_df.tail(100)).mark_circle().encode( x = ‘Date’, y = r’U.S. Product Supplied of Normal Butane (Thousand Barrels per Day)’ ) I got …

Total answers: 1

Plot a graph for the data types of a DataFrame

Plot a graph for the data types of a DataFrame Question: I want to visualize the data types of my dataset as a part of exploratory data analysis and I have this data. In [1]: df_planet = pd.DataFrame({‘mass’: [0.330, 4.87 , 5.97], ‘radius’: [2439.7, 6051.8, 6378.1], ‘planet’: [‘Mercury’, ‘Venus’, ‘Earth’]}) In [2]: df_planet.dtypes Out[2]: mass …

Total answers: 2

Issues using Choropleth

Issues using Choropleth Question: Currently trying to learn cloropleth – fairly a noob with this. Problem: I’m currently using a Michigan Counties GeoJSON file and am trying to draw a map of the state showcasing the percentage of people that opted for John. In return though, I only get an empty colorless map of the …

Total answers: 1

Visualization issue of dtreeviz framework

Visualization issue of dtreeviz framework Question: here is my code run in pycharm and it is supposed to display nice visualization chart, but no result is shown import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pydotplus from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.datasets import load_iris from sklearn import tree from io import StringIO from ipywidgets import Image from dtreeviz.trees …

Total answers: 1

Problem animating polar plots from measured data

Problem animating polar plots from measured data Question: Problem I’m trying to animate a polar plot from a measured temperature data from a cylinder using the command line_polar by using a dataset of 6 radial values (represented by columns #1 – #6) over 10 rows (represented by column Time) distributed over a polar plot. …

Total answers: 1