
pyvmomi Get RAM/CPU Usage VSphere SDK 5.5?

pyvmomi Get RAM/CPU Usage VSphere SDK 5.5? Question: I am trying to get some information from a few ESXi Servers through Python. I found pyvmomi(https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi) which is a great and easy to understand tool for this purpose. However, I cannot seem to find a way to get “real-time” info on the CPU/RAM/Storage usage. I am …

Total answers: 2

What is the Difference between PySphere and PyVmomi?

What is the Difference between PySphere and PyVmomi? Question: I need to write python scripts to automate time configuration of Virtual Machines running on a ESX/ESXi host. I don’t know which API to use. I am able to find to python bindings for VMWare APIs viz. PySphere and PyVmomi. Could anyone please explain what is …

Total answers: 4