
Why the command listener.listen from lib pyttsx3 printing this extra text?

Why the command listener.listen from lib pyttsx3 printing this extra text? Question: basicly trying to follow the steps of a vid, everything is working great exapt that those lines of code: with sr.Microphone() as source: print(‘listening..’) voice = listener.listen(source) command = listener.recognize_google(voice) print(command) it is giving me the output: listening.. result2: { ‘alternative’: [{‘confidence’: 0.97219545, …

Total answers: 1

Cannot Train Wav2vec XLSR Model With Common Voice Data

Cannot Train Wav2vec XLSR Model With Common Voice Data Question: I am trying to train a transformer ASR model with wav2vec XLSR in the danish language, but whenever I try to pull the danish dataset with datasets library it’s giving me an error.. Notebook link error log: ValueError: BuilderConfig da not found. Available: [‘ab’, ‘ar’, …

Total answers: 1

Loading data using hugging_face load_dataset from Common Voice is giving an error

Loading data using hugging_face load_dataset from Common Voice is giving an error Question: I am working on a voice dataset using the Facebook Hugging Face_ transformer, but I am unable to load data from the Common Voice forum: from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric common_voice_train = load_dataset("common_voice", "id", split="train+validation") common_voice_test = load_dataset("common_voice", "id", split="test") It gives the …

Total answers: 2