
Define multiple templates for a predefined block wagtail CRX

Define multiple templates for a predefined block wagtail CRX Question: I was moving a site over to wagtail and decided to use the codered extensions. The library comes with a image-gallery content-block. I want to use this but define a few templates you can choose from in the admin UI. You usually define a template …

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Wagtail: how to change css class in auto-generated block?

Wagtail: how to change css class in auto-generated block? Question: I have a StructBlock inside StreamFied: courses = StreamField([ (‘Courses’, StructBlock([ (‘Start_date’, CharBlock()), (‘Name’, CharBlock()), (‘Description’, TextBlock()), (‘Image’, ImageChooserBlock()), (‘Price’, CharBlock()), ], icon = ‘plus’, template = ‘blocks/course_block.html’)) ], True) content_panels = Page.content_panels + [FieldPanel(‘courses’)] In html i have following structure: /index.html <div class="swiper-wrapper" id="swiper-wrapper-dfa89409b3fe2577" …

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Watail is not showing features for RichTextField in wagtail admin page edit form

Watail is not showing features for RichTextField in wagtail admin page edit form Question: wagtail RichTextField is not showing the features I gave (bold, italic, etc..) on the wagtail admin page edit. How can I add that? am I missing something? I also tried with admin.FieldPnale("banner_subtitle") which also did not work for me. HomePage class …

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Wagtail API not exposing custom field

Wagtail API not exposing custom field Question: I am enabling wagtail api v2 in my wagtail project. After adding the api.v2 I am getting this json response { "id": 32, "meta": { "type": "blog.AddStory", "detail_url": "http://localhost/api/v2/pages/32/", "html_url": "http://localhost/blog/1st-story/", "slug": "1st-story", "first_published_at": "2022-07-19T18:06:50.205210Z" }, "title": "1st story" } I want to add my content field after …

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Wagtail Customising User Account Settings Form With One-to-One Model

Wagtail Customising User Account Settings Form With One-to-One Model Question: I have a model in my app called "portal", in portal/models.py: from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.dispatch import receiver from django.db.models.signals import post_save from wagtail.snippets.models import register_snippet from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel @register_snippet class StaffRoles(models.Model): role = models.CharField(max_length=154, unique=True, help_text="Create new staff …

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Reverse for 'wagtailadmin_explore' with arguments '('',)' not found

Reverse for 'wagtailadmin_explore' with arguments '('',)' not found Question: I have been trying to rebuild my Wagtail website as a docker container to be run on Fargate. For reasons, I started from scratch and rebuilt all my dependencies. After pip installing everything, the site works fine locally using venv. However, I get strange errors when …

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Multiple ModelAdmins for one Wagtail model

Multiple ModelAdmins for one Wagtail model Question: Let’s say I have a model: class BlogPost(Page): date = models.DateField(“Post date”) intro = models.CharField(max_length=250) body = StreamField([ (‘paragraph’, blocks.RichTextBlock()), (‘image’, ImageChooserBlock()), (‘gallery’, CarouselBlock()), (‘video’, EmbedBlock()), ]) … And I would like to create multiple pages in the sidebar that relate to this model. I tried an approach …

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Django Sass Compressor django_libsass.SassCompiler: command not found

Django Sass Compressor django_libsass.SassCompiler: command not found Question: I’m using a Django-Compressor Filter as part of Wagtail (Django variant CMS with super cool UI). Environment is Wagtail 0.2 + Python 2.7 + Django 1.6 + Virtualenv + FastCGI + Apache shared hosting. Issue occurs when trying to access admin/login page of the CMS. Django shows …

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