
Best way to build application triggering reminder at certain time

Best way to build application triggering reminder at certain time Question: I want to build a python app sending reminder at certain time. It would have several subscribers. Each subscriber sets specific moment when they want to be notified. For example, John wants to have a reminder every days whereas Cassandra wants it every months. …

Total answers: 1

Context variables not being passed to template in Django class-based view

Context variables not being passed to template in Django class-based view Question: Banging my head against a wall.. I’m trying to return a table of Job objects, with views separated by month. I’m passing ‘year’ and ‘month’ variables through get_context_data, yet in my template they’re returning blank strings. Even ChatGPT can’t find anything wrong lol. …

Total answers: 1

How could I add my deep learning model to a web application?

How could I add my deep learning model to a web application? Question: I am planning to create a ml model the recognizes some stuff in real time video, it will be a deep learning model, What I would like to know is how could I apply that model into my web app and what …

Total answers: 2

Adding values to cells in a specific column in HTML

Adding values to cells in a specific column in HTML Question: I am creating a very basic table in HTML for my Django project. I got some help from Here to learn how to pass a list from my Django app to my HTML and generate rows for my values. My question this time is: …

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How to change the default loading icon in a Python flet app?

How to change the default loading icon in a Python flet app? Question: I am building a graphical user interface using flet in python. However, I am stuck with the default flet logo while loading the app in the browser viewer, and I don’t see any hints about changing it in the documentation. Is this …

Total answers: 2

Flask Load New Page After Streaming Data

Flask Load New Page After Streaming Data Question: I have simple Flask App that takes a CSV upload, makes some changes, and streams the results back to the user’s download folder as CSV. HTML Form <form action = {{uploader_page}} method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data"> <label>CSV file</label><br> <input type = "file" name = "input_file" required></input><br><br> …

Total answers: 3

How to get cursor.execute() results as String (not tuple)?

How to get cursor.execute() results as String (not tuple)? Question: I am trying to implement a (simple) forum style web-app. I am currently trying to display the titles of threads (‘topics’) from my database on the web page. I am using a mysql connector cursor to interact with the database, and when returning the results …

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Connect to Flask Server from other devices on same network

Connect to Flask Server from other devices on same network Question: Dear smart people of stackoverflow, I know this question has been asked a lot here but none of the posted solutions have worked for me as of yet. Any help here would be much appreciated: The Problem: Cannot connect to flask app server from …

Total answers: 7

Email verification in Django

Email verification in Django Question: I am having a web-app in Django. I tried using the tokengenerator for password reset to create a verification mail, it’s not activating the email. Coming to the problem: While the user provides email, it should check whether the email is present in the DB. (DB will be updated with …

Total answers: 4