
Python and PHP compatibility in Web-Dvelopment, is it possible?

Python and PHP compatibility in Web-Dvelopment, is it possible? Question: I’m working with legacy PHP project where all back-bones was written in PHP. I like scriptting features, useful and fun things in Python. Question : Is it possible somehow implement Python scripts in PHP Back-end? Want to hear experts of web-development sector. Asked By: Ada …

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Stale Element – Selenium – Python

Stale Element – Selenium – Python Question: So I’ll start by saying that this has became such a mess with me trying to solve this issue, other times I have been able to resolve the stale element issue. Problem all starts after the first players stats are stored ( Everything it should be doing up …

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Fullstack web-hosting services

Fullstack web-hosting services Question: I am totally new to web development, and I am trying to create a website. From what I understand, if you create websites on Wix, Squarespace or GoDaddy, then there is a lot of security protection included. They will prevent spamming and things of that nature. I want to create a …

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can I use .h5 file in Django project?

can I use .h5 file in Django project? Question: I’m making AI web page using Django and tensor flow. and I wonder how I add .h5 file in Django project. writing whole code in views.py file but I want to use pre-trained model not online learning in webpage. Asked By: Gyuyeon Cho || Source Answers: …

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How to link to python file inside html code

How to link to python file inside html code Question: So I have created a game (of sorts) in python that I want to embed into an html webpage so I can add UI features. I have used the tags to do this but I am having issues with importing packages and also it clutters …

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Adding values to cells in a specific column in HTML

Adding values to cells in a specific column in HTML Question: I am creating a very basic table in HTML for my Django project. I got some help from Here to learn how to pass a list from my Django app to my HTML and generate rows for my values. My question this time is: …

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How to send user's full name and email to database with django

How to send user's full name and email to database with django Question: When I try to send the full name and email, it returns a value like this <bound method AbstractUser.get_full_name of <User: keremedeler>> To send the e-mail, I added a function like this to the models.py file of the user class, and it …

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matching regex for custom params in URI

matching regex for custom params in URI Question: I am building a web framework and REGEX is really hostile today. I do not like the django way of formatting custom params with angle brackets url/<param>/… or <str:token>/ I would prefer the way js and other programs handle this name/:token/:another_param After trying for 45 minutes I …

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Printing username on stdout with Django + Gunicorn Application

Printing username on stdout with Django + Gunicorn Application Question: Right now my Django + Gunicorn app is printing only this info: [03.10.2022 19:43:14] INFO [django.request:middleware] GET /analyse/v2/ping – 200 If request is authorized, I would like to show also user (username/email) behind the status code, something like: [03.10.2022 19:43:14] INFO [django.request:middleware] GET /analyse/v2/ping – …

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