
BSC websocket endpoint lantency

BSC websocket endpoint lantency Question: I’m recently trying to monitor transactions of a contract address on BSC chain for my dex limit order and I finally found a stable solution to monitor the log event — ‘using web sockect connection’. bsc = "wss://ws-nd-112-055-480.p2pify.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" web3 = Web3(Web3.WebsocketProvider(bsc)) poolAdd = ‘0x0eD7e52944161450477ee417DE9Cd3a859b14fD0’ block_filter = web3.eth.filter({‘fromBlock’: ‘latest’, ‘address’: poolAdd, …

Total answers: 3

Send signed transaction from Trezor hardware wallet

Send signed transaction from Trezor hardware wallet Question: I’ve been trying to code a simple web3.py program to send a transaction from my Trezor. I’m able to sign the transaction on my Trezor, and the function that does that (ethereum.sign_tx()) returns a tuple of the V, R, and S signatures of the transaction, which looks …

Total answers: 1