
Playing a video with captions in Jupyter notebook

Playing a video with captions in Jupyter notebook Question: How to play a video with captions in Jupyter notebook? With code snippets from these post, I’ve tried to play a video inside jupyter notebook: How can I play a local video in my IPython notebook? how play mp4 video in google colab from IPython.display import …

Total answers: 2

Weird encoding in vtt file–python

Weird encoding in vtt file–python Question: I am trying to obtain text from a subtitles file (vtt format) as follows: import requests r = requests.get(‘https://nogeovod-fy.atresmedia.com/vsg/sitemap/assets4/2022/09/26/C302281D-5C76-4710-A4FB-9AD7252B7F47/es.vtt’) print(r.encoding) r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding print(r.text) Some characters seem to be missed as the original encoding ISO-8859-1 is not the right one. However, when I try to change it to utf-8, …

Total answers: 1