
How to print variables without spaces between values

How to print variables without spaces between values Question: I would like to know how to remove additional spaces when I print something. Like when I do: print ‘Value is “‘, value, ‘”‘ The output will be: Value is ” 42 ” But I want: Value is “42” Is there any way to do this? …

Total answers: 6

How does v differ from x0b or x0c?

How does v differ from x0b or x0c? Question: Typing string.whitespace gives you a string containing all whitespace characters defined by Python’s string module: ‘tnx0bx0cr ‘ Both x0b and x0c seem to give a vertical tab. >>> print ‘firstx0bsecond’ first second v gives the same effect. How are these three different? Why does the string …

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How can I strip the whitespace from Pandas DataFrame headers?

How can I strip the whitespace from Pandas DataFrame headers? Question: I am parsing data from an Excel file that has extra white space in some of the column headings. When I check the columns of the resulting dataframe, with df.columns, I see: Index([‘Year’, ‘Month ‘, ‘Value’]) ^ # Note the unwanted trailing space on …

Total answers: 5

Python: splitting string by all space characters

Python: splitting string by all space characters Question: To split strings by spaces in python, one usually uses split method of the string without parameters: >>> ‘atb cnd’.split() [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’] But yesterday I ran across a string that used ZERO WIDTH SPACE between words as well. Having turned my new knowledge in a …

Total answers: 6

Split string on whitespace in Python

Split string on whitespace in Python Question: I’m looking for the Python equivalent of String str = “many fancy word nhello thi”; String whiteSpaceRegex = “\s”; String[] words = str.split(whiteSpaceRegex); [“many”, “fancy”, “word”, “hello”, “hi”] Asked By: siamii || Source Answers: The str.split() method without an argument splits on whitespace: >>> "many fancy word nhello …

Total answers: 4

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python

How to split by comma and strip white spaces in Python? Question: I have some python code that splits on comma, but doesn’t strip the whitespace: >>> string = “blah, lots , of , spaces, here ” >>> mylist = string.split(‘,’) >>> print mylist [‘blah’, ‘ lots ‘, ‘ of ‘, ‘ spaces’, ‘ here …

Total answers: 10

Check if string contains only whitespace

Check if string contains only whitespace Question: How can I test if a string contains only whitespace? Example strings: " " (space, space, space) " t n " (space, tab, space, newline, space) "nnntn" (newline, newline, newline, tab, newline) Asked By: bodacydo || Source Answers: Use the str.isspace() method: Return True if there are only …

Total answers: 11

Remove whitespace in Python using string.whitespace

Remove whitespace in Python using string.whitespace Question: Python’s string.whitespace is great: >>> string.whitespace ‘tnx0bx0cr ‘ How do I use this with a string without resorting to manually typing in ‘t|n|… etc for regex? For example, it should be able to turn: “Please n don’t t hurt x0b me.” into “Please don’t hurt me.” I’d probably …

Total answers: 5

How do I trim whitespace?

How do I trim whitespace? Question: Is there a Python function that will trim whitespace (spaces and tabs) from a string? So that given input " t example stringt " becomes "example string". Asked By: Chris || Source Answers: For leading and trailing whitespace: s = ‘ foo t ‘ print s.strip() # prints “foo” …

Total answers: 15