
Increase width of PositiveIntegerField in Django Admin

Increase width of PositiveIntegerField in Django Admin Question: What is proper way to increase width of input box, in Django Admin, for PositiveIntegerField ? UPDATE These are my files: models.py from django.db import models class Report(models.Model): datum = models.DateField(unique=True, help_text=’Od koji je datuma izvjestaj.’) osiguranika = models.PositiveIntegerField(help_text=’Broj osiguranika.’) /* lot of staf below*/ def __unicode__(self): …

Total answers: 2

How to get Linux console window width in Python

How to get Linux console window width in Python Question: Is there a way in python to programmatically determine the width of the console? I mean the number of characters that fits in one line without wrapping, not the pixel width of the window. Edit Looking for a solution that works on Linux Asked By: …

Total answers: 15