
paramiko ssh connect to windows server 2012 openSSH

Executing command using Paramiko SSH returns hex-encoded output Question: I try to write script to connect by SSH to Windows but answer is strange. Here is my script: import paramiko import codecs host = ‘*******’ user = ‘*****’ psw = ‘****’ port = 22 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname=host, port=port, username=user, password=psw) stdin, stdout, stderr …

Total answers: 1

Service fails to start when external log config file is involved

Service fails to start when external log config file is involved Question: I am using PyInstaller to bundle my multi-module Python app into a one-file exe. The entry point for this app is a module extending win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework — so this is meant to run as a Windows service. Problem arises when I try to furnish …

Total answers: 1

Creating a Python script that runs as a Windows service using sc.exe

Creating a Python script that runs as a Windows service using sc.exe Question: I would like to create a Windows Service using a batch script for a Python script that I have written. I decided to do some experimenting with sc. Here is the line that I used: sc create RoundTripService binPath=”C:Python27python.exe” type=own error=ignore …

Total answers: 1