
What versions of Python will work in Windows XP?

What versions of Python will work in Windows XP? Question: I would like the most advanced version of Python that still works on Windows XP. I need both Python 2 and Python 3. What versions of Python will work on Windows XP? Asked By: Fake Name || Source Answers: Any of them, python is very …

Total answers: 7

How do you change file association for .py Python files in XP?

How do you change file association for .py Python files in XP? Question: When I type assoc .py I get .py=py_auto_file. When I type ftype py_auto_file I get py_auto_file=”C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop 7.0Photoshop.exe” “%1″ How do I make py_auto_file=”C:Python27”? Asked By: user883807 || Source Answers: You should pass script name %1 and all command-line parameters %* to …

Total answers: 3

Unicode not printing correctly to cp850 (cp437), play card suits

Unicode not printing correctly to cp850 (cp437), play card suits Question: To summarize: How do I print unicode system independently to produce play card symbols? What I do wrong, I consider myself quite fluent in Python, except I seem not able to print correctly! # coding: utf-8 from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals …

Total answers: 4

Handling large dense matrices in python

Handling large dense matrices in python Question: Basically, what is the best way to go about storing and using dense matrices in python? I have a project that generates similarity metrics between every item in an array. Each item is a custom class, and stores a pointer to the other class and a number representing …

Total answers: 6