
Wordle solver python script. Duplicate letter problem

Wordle solver python script. Duplicate letter problem Question: When there’s a word that has a letter more than once, if that letter is already confirmed in the right spot, but you tell it the next instance of that letter is wrong, it crashes. You can trick it into working by saying that it’s just in …

Total answers: 2

I wanted to print this tuple in a single line

I wanted to print this tuple in a single line Question: I was making a small program to exemplify the wordle game in python but the code below generates an output in tuple format (one element per line). Like this: T _ E T E the code: def check_palpite(): palavra_secreta = "Sorte" tentativas = 6 …

Total answers: 1

improper output while printing coloured letter of a word in a wordle game in python

improper output while printing coloured letter of a word in a wordle game in python Question: import random import sys from termcolor import colored def print_menu(): print("welcome to wordle !") print("type a 5 letter word and hit entern") def read_random_word(): with open(‘E:kartikeypythonprogramswordlewords.txt’) as word_database: #splitline so every line in the text file gets stored as …

Total answers: 2

Duplicate letters in wordle

Duplicate letters in wordle Question: For a school project I have to create a wordle in Python. The program I created compares the letters of the target word and the guessed word. An example: the target word is "compulsory" and the guessed word is "submission". The output should be "-O-O–X-O-". "X" meaning the letter in …

Total answers: 4