
Issue with Websockets (WSS) server implemented in Python

Issue with Websockets (WSS) server implemented in Python Question: I am aware of the browser-based implementation at as well as the secure implementation(wss) but I am having extreme difficulty getting a mixture of both working(Browser-based WSS). Currently, I’m testing the socket server on two different environments, windows 10 NT (latest) over ws & CentOS …

Total answers: 1

Django channels using secured WebSocket connection – WSS://

Django channels using secured WebSocket connection – WSS:// Question: When I tried to run the Django application using sslserver as shown below, python runsslserver Errors: Traceback: Validating models… System check identified no issues (0 silenced). November 08, 2019 – 11:17:26 Django version 2.0.7, using settings ‘dashboard_channels.settings’ Starting development server at Using SSL certificate: …

Total answers: 1