
Update of Xcode removes all Python packages on macOS?

Update of Xcode removes all Python packages on macOS? Question: I was using Big Sur with Python 3.8.2 (not Homebrew’s, but native OS’ Python) and I had a lot of packages installed (around 60). Now I updated my OS to Monterey 12.6 and I updated Xcode to 14.0 which updated Python to 3.9.6. And I …

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The git (or python) command requires the command line developer tools

The git (or python) command requires the command line developer tools Question: This knowledge post isn’t a duplication of other similar ones, since it’s related to 12/September/2022 Xcode update, which demands a different kind of solution I have come to my computer today and discovered that nothing runs on my terminal Every time I have …

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WARNING: xcodeproj is not installed or is not configured properly

WARNING: xcodeproj is not installed or is not configured properly Question: My nativescript project won’t run, getting the error mentioned above. The Xcode command Line Tools is set. Things i tried but didn’t fix the problem: sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer sudo xcode-select –reset ns doctor ios As you might have guessed, I have Xcode installed …

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How to use python to run IOS Simulator

How to use python to run IOS Simulator Question: Is it possible to create a python script that I can use, to run the iOS simulator? For example, I would use the python script to run the iOS simulator, run a specific app on the simulator, and go through the app and take screenshots. Is …

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SwiftUI – packing with Python and a module library

SwiftUI – packing with Python and a module library Question: My goal: Import via PythonKit Python 3.9.1 in my Swift Project, where I can use it to package it with the needed module "openpyxl" (for filling an excel sheet with values). Here are the imports at the beginning of the specific python file: # some …

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Xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105), can not take input in the console

Xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105), can not take input in the console Question: I’m a new learner for Python and trying to use Xcode to do it, since Xcode looks clean and nice… I have Xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105), should be the newest one. I follow this link to set up Python on Xcode. I think …

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Cannot install Lxml on Mac OS X 10.9

Cannot install Lxml on Mac OS X 10.9 Question: I want to install Lxml so I can then install Scrapy. When I updated my Mac today it wouldn’t let me reinstall lxml, I get the following error: In file included from src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:314: /private/tmp/pip_build_root/lxml/src/lxml/includes/etree_defs.h:9:10: fatal error: ‘libxml/xmlversion.h’ file not found #include "libxml/xmlversion.h" ^ 1 error generated. …

Total answers: 23

Python.h header file missing on Mac OS X 10.6

Python.h header file missing on Mac OS X 10.6 Question: I’m trying to access a shared C library in Python with ctypes on Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Python 2.7.4. To do this, I need to #include <Python.h> in my C code. If I try to compile a C script that only has that one …

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