
XGBoost for multiclassification and imbalanced data

XGBoost for multiclassification and imbalanced data Question: I am dealing with a classification problem with 3 classes [0,1,2], and imbalanced class distribution as shown below. I want to apply XGBClassifier (in Python) to this classification problem, but the model does not respond to class_weight adjustments and skews towards the majority class 0, and ignores the …

Total answers: 2

XGBoost – get probabilities after multi:softmax function

XGBoost – get probabilities after multi:softmax function Question: I have a question regarding xgboost and multiclass. I am not using the sklearn wrapper as I always struggle with some parameters. I was wondering if it is possible to get the probability vector plus the softmax output. The following is my code: param = {} param[‘objective’] …

Total answers: 1