
How to match text in two different file and extract values

How to match text in two different file and extract values Question: So I have two files. One yaml file that contains tibetan words : its meaning. Another csv file that contains only word and it’s POStag. As below: yaml file : ད་གདོད: ད་གཟོད་དང་དོན་འདྲ། ད་ཆུ: དངུལ་ཆུ་ཡི་མིང་གཞན། ད་ཕྲུག: དྭ་ཕྲུག་གི་འབྲི་ཚུལ་གཞན། ད་བེར: སྒྲིབ་བྱེད་དང་རླུང་འགོག་བྱེད་ཀྱི་གླེགས་བུ་ལེབ་མོའི་མིང་། ད་མེ་དུམ་མེ: དམ་དུམ་ལ་ལྟོས། csv file : …

Total answers: 3

how to decode file when writing in yaml format

how to decode file when writing in yaml format Question: I am trying to write a dictionary file that contains Tibetan language word into yaml format. Problem is i couldn’t encode/decode the file when writing the yaml file. Here is code : with open(‘tibetan_dict.yml’, ‘w’, encoding=’utf-8′) as outfile: yaml.dump(tibetan_dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False) tibetan_dict contains: {‘ཀ་ཅ’: ‘༡.་ནོར་རྫས་ཀྱི་སྤྱི་མིང་སྟེ། …

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Way to delete yaml keys in the form "a.b.c.e"?

Way to delete yaml keys in the form "a.b.c.e"? Question: I have yaml keys in the form "a.b.c.d" but my yaml file is in the format: a: b: c: e:"world" d: "hello" e: f: g: "sample" h: 1 I want to delete "a.b.c.e" here and I have around 300 rows of yaml keys in similar …

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Python opening/loading yaml file changes values (numbers ?) if they contain a colon : and less than 3 digits after the colon

Python opening/loading yaml file changes values (numbers ?) if they contain a colon : and less than 3 digits after the colon Question: Simple example.yml file Base: StartTime: 645:0 EndTimes: 645:023 MidTimes: 645:02 mac: 99:19:b9:fa:37:99 MissionStartTimestamp: -2037:14522 MissionEndTimestamp: -2037:14522 When it is loaded into python import yaml with open("example.yml", ‘r’) as file: example_ = yaml.safe_load(file) …

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Load mapping with complex keys

Load mapping with complex keys Question: pyyaml fails to load the mappings with complex keys like bellow, because dict is not hashable. foo: – {bar: test}: 123 Is it possible to force pyyaml to load mappings with complex keys? Asked By: majkrzak || Source Answers: In Python, dictionary keys must be unique and hashable. A …

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Show exit button along with continue button on question in docassemble

Show exit button along with continue button on question in docassemble Question: I’m trying to show exit button on every question along with the continue button in docassemble. Continue button is generated by default by docassemble but I want to have the exit button too. I’m aware that it’s not possible to have more than …

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How to recreate the tree organization in nested dictionnaries

How to recreate the tree organization in nested dictionnaries Question: I’ve a problem I have been struggling on for some time now. What I need to do is to check things for a large amount of data inside many folders. To keep track of what has been done I wanted to create a yaml file …

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Python Console cannot find associated class when loading from yaml file

Python Console cannot find associated class when loading from yaml file Question: I would like to save an instance of a class in a YAML File (to make it more human readable). Consider this example code: import tempfile from pathlib import Path import yaml class MyClass: def __init__(self, attribute): self.attribute = attribute if __name__==’__main__’: my_instance …

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Taking a list from dictionary in Python and dynamically exploding it to YAML using Jinja2 template?

Taking a list from dictionary in Python and dynamically exploding it to YAML using Jinja2 template? Question: I am trying to populate a YAML file with values from a dictionary in python. from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader import glob def map_template(context,template_path,template_name,destination): environment = Environment(loader = FileSystemLoader(template_path), trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) results_filename = destination results_template = environment.get_template(template_name) with …

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Avoiding quotes in yaml field value

Avoiding quotes in yaml field value Question: I have a yaml file with content ip: modules: shutdown-manager: version: 0.5 package: repo: github path: ~/path manager: no This is my program import ruamel.yaml yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() with open(‘manifest.yml’) as stream: documents = yaml.load(stream) en=(documents[‘ip’][‘modules’][‘shutdown-manager’]) en.insert(1, ‘enabled’, ‘false’) print(en) with open(‘manifest_new.yml’, ‘wb’) as stream: yaml.dump(documents, stream) This …

Total answers: 2