
How to adjust steps of y-axis

How to adjust steps of y-axis Question: I have a plot in which I have two y-axis. The y-axis on the left represent the bar chart and the y-axis on the left represent the two lines. The problem is that the left y-axis currently creates individual steps for the y-axis values, which results in additional …

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Adding a secondary y axis on heatmap in plotly express python

Adding a secondary y axis on heatmap in plotly express python Question: i would like to add a second y axis to my plotly express heatmap, but unfortunately i can’t do it and just can’t find any infos. already tried stuff like that: Plotly: How to plot on secondary y-Axis with plotly express short code …

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Matplotlib how to increase the width of y-axis data?

Matplotlib how to increase the width of y-axis data? Question: I was trying to display all the y-axis data, however you can see the value is being hidden bacause the width is too narrow. How to solve this problem? x, y = zip(*freq_bi.most_common(n=10)) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) plt.barh(range(len(x)), y, color=’Maroon’) y_pos = np.arange(len(x)) plt.yticks(y_pos, x) plt.title(‘Frequency Count …

Total answers: 2

Plot on primary and secondary x and y axis with a reversed y axis

Plot on primary and secondary x and y axis with a reversed y axis Question: I have created this plot where I have "observed E. coli" on the the left side "y axis", "modelled E. coli" on the right side "y axis" and "dates" on the "x axis". The code is this # -*- coding: …

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How can I set the y axis limit?

How can I set the y axis limit? Question: I am comparing the training accuracies of two different neural networks. How can I set the scales so that they are comparable. (like setting both y axis to 1 for both so that the graphs are comparable) The code I used is below: def NeuralNetwork(X_train, Y_train, …

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Rotating the y-axis label

Rotating the y-axis label Question: I am trying to rotate the title of the Y axis so it is horizontal. I do not want the tick labels horizontal just the title of the Y axis. I have to use subplots as I am making multiple plots at once. Here is the below script in which …

Total answers: 2