
Getting curl-L invalid syntax when running on jupyter notebook

Getting curl-L invalid syntax when running on jupyter notebook Question: I’m trying to create a object detection module using YOLO V5 following this tutorial YT Link In this they have used google colab but I want to create it on jupyter note book. I get the above error when trying to get the data set …

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Using custom yolov7 trained model on my screen

Using custom yolov7 trained model on my screen Question: What I know I have already trained a custom model using yolov7-tiny I am now trying to use it for object detection on screen The script I have: import mss import numpy as np import cv2 import time import keyboard import torch from hubconf import custom …

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How to print the highest mAP in yolov7 from the training?

How to print the highest mAP in yolov7 from the training? Question: When I train yolov7 using the following command !python train.py –data {dataset.location}/data.yaml –weights ‘yolov7_training.pt’ –device 0 –hyp "hyp.scratch.custom.yaml" Output: Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls total labels img_size 100/299 10.5G 0.05475 0.02964 0 0.08439 243 640: 100% 15/15 [00:11<00:00, 1.31it/s] Class Images Labels P …

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training YOLOv7 on CPU provides CUDA error

training YOLOv7 on CPU provides CUDA error Question: I am trying to run train a yolov7 model without a gpu. This is currently the command line that I am using on colab. python train_aux.py –workers 1 –device cpu –batch-size 1 –data data/coco.yaml –img 128 128 –cfg /content/yolov7/cfg/training/yolov7-e6e.yaml –weights ” –name yolov7-e6e –hypdata/hyp.scratch.p6.yaml` For some reason …

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How to load custom yolo v-7 trained model

How to load custom yolo v-7 trained model Question: How do I load a custom yolo v-7 model. This is how I know to load a yolo v-5 model : model = torch.hub.load(‘ultralytics/yolov5’, ‘custom’, path=’yolov5/runs/train/exp15/weights/last.pt’, force_reload=True) I saw videos online and they suggested to use this : !python detect.py –weights runs/train/yolov7x-custom/weights/best.pt –conf 0.5 –img-size 640 …

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How to output all class in order from left to right from top to bottom in Yolo7?

How to output all class in order from left to right from top to bottom in Yolo7? Question: I tested with random images and the output like this: 3 Cars,4 persons,5 Dogs how to print all class from left to right from top to bottom: car,person,person,person,dog,person,car,dog…… Asked By: Hùng Kj || Source Answers: enter image …

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Real time object detection lag

Real time object detection lag Question: im trying to capture position of license plate with webcam feed using YOLOv4 tiny then input the result to easyOCR to extract the characters. The detection works well in real time, however when i apply the OCR the webcam stream become really laggy. Is there anyway i can improve …

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qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display when using yolov4-custom-functions

qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display when using yolov4-custom-functions Question: I am using https://github.com/theAIGuysCode/yolov4-custom-functions this repository. I want to crop and save pictures while running on webcam. But when I run the following code: python detect_video.py –weights ./checkpoints/yolov4-416 –size 416 –model yolov4 –video ./data/video/bobinmi.mp4 –output ./detections/results.avi –crop I can just detect the first frame of …

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How to rotate a rectangle/bounding box together with an image

How to rotate a rectangle/bounding box together with an image Question: I’m working on a data augmentation and im trying to generate synthetic version of every image in my dataset. So i need to rotate images and together with bounding boxes as well in the images. im only going to rotate images by 90, 180, …

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How to load custom model in pytorch

How to load custom model in pytorch Question: I’m trying to load my pretrained model (yolov5n) and test it with the following code in PyTorch: import os import torch model = torch.load(os.getcwd()+’/weights/last.pt’) # Images imgs = [‘https://example.com/img.jpg’] # Inference results = model(imgs) # Results results.print() results.save() # or .show() results.xyxy[0] # img1 predictions (tensor) results.pandas().xyxy[0] …

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