
How to set youtube-dl Python to always pick 1080p?

How to set youtube-dl Python to always pick 1080p? Question: I’m making a Python script to download videos from multiple sites using youtube-dl: from __future__ import unicode_literals import youtube_dl downloadLinks = [] downloadLink = input(‘Link to download: ‘) downloadLinks.append(downloadLink) youtube_dl_options = { "outtmpl": "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s", "restrictfilenames": True, "nooverwrites": True, "writedescription": True, "writeinfojson": True, "writeannotations": True, "writethumbnail": …

Total answers: 2

Extract specific frames of youtube video without downloading video

Extract specific frames of youtube video without downloading video Question: I need to extract specific frames of an online video to work on an algorithm but I don’t want to download the whole video because that would make it highly inefficient. For starters, I tried working with youtube videos. I can download whole of the …

Total answers: 3

Download Youtube Music song using youtube-dl

Download Youtube Music song using youtube-dl Question: Is it possible to download a song from Youtube Music using youtube-dl? When I try to use the url to the song, I recieve this error message. Need 11 character video id or the URL of the video. Got Asked By: thisisnotshort || Source Answers: It seems …

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Youtube_dl : ERROR : YouTube said: Unable to extract video data

Youtube_dl : ERROR : YouTube said: Unable to extract video data Question: I’m making a little graphic interface with Python 3 which should download a youtube video with its URL. I used the youtube_dl module for that. This is my code : import youtube_dl # Youtube_dl is used for download the video ydl_opt = {"outtmpl" …

Total answers: 10

How to get info about video, without downloading it, using youtube-dl

How to get info about video, without downloading it, using youtube-dl Question: I made my own script using python and youtube-dl library to easily download songs from online radio. It works by copying a playlist, saving it to a .txt file, and then running a script that goes through the playlist and discards the time …

Total answers: 4

How to check if a url is valid that youtube-dl supports

How to check if a url is valid that youtube-dl supports Question: I am developing a project, where user submits a URL. I need to check if that URL is valid url , to download data from youtube-dl supported sites. Please help. Asked By: My Projects || Source Answers: Try this function: import youtube-dl url …

Total answers: 2


Youtubedl CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED Question: I ran this code in Python: from __future__ import unicode_literals import youtube_dl ydl_opts = { ‘format’: ‘bestaudio/best’, ‘postprocessors’: [{ ‘key’: ‘FFmpegExtractAudio’, ‘preferredcodec’: ‘mp3’, ‘preferredquality’: ‘192’, }], } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:[‘YOUTUBE URL’]) I was hoping it would convert the Youtube video to a URL file. I got a really long error …

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How to use youtube-dl script to download starting from some index in a playlist?

How to use youtube-dl script to download starting from some index in a playlist? Question: How to download playlist using youtube-dl from start certain number to an upper limit? I tried to use in the code: youtube-dl -o ‘~/Documents/%(playlist)s/%(chapter_number)s – %(chapter)s/%(playlist_index)s – %(title)s.%(ext)s’ URL and it stopped in the middle. I want to restart the …

Total answers: 3

youtube-dl get direct download url

youtube-dl get direct download url Question: Is there a way to get the direct download URL using youtube-dl? I tried it with youtube-dl -g It returns a URL that looks correct at the first sight, but it leads to a blank page that shows the video player. I want to extract the direct download …

Total answers: 2

Youtube-dl add metadata during audio conversion

Youtube-dl add metadata during audio conversion Question: Sorry if this question is misguided. I’m using youtube-dl to download song videos as mp3’s before adding them to itunes. The problem is that the videos dont seem to contain the metadata in there. I read what i could about –add-metadata option but from what i understand this …

Total answers: 5