
How to display a YouTube Video in Jupyter Notebook by Clicking a Button Using Tkinter

How to display a YouTube Video in Jupyter Notebook by Clicking a Button Using Tkinter Question: I’m trying to display a random YouTube Video from a list of 2 videos in my Jupyter notebook by displaying a button and clicking it. This will display a random video from the TODO list import random from IPython.display …

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How to get notification when youtube channel uploads video in python

How to get notification when youtube channel uploads video in python Question: I am trying to create a script that’ll notify me whenever a youtube channel uploads a video. Just like the Subscribe button What I have tried: I have tried looking for a documentation regarding this, and also learnt how to setup a YouTube …

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How to fix this? pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_ytplayer_config: could not find match for config_patterns

How to fix this? pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_ytplayer_config: could not find match for config_patterns Question: When I’m trying to download videos using pytube I’m getting this error. I’m using the latest version of pytube: raise RegexMatchError(caller="get_ytplayer_config", pattern="config_patterns") pytube.exceptions.RegexMatchError: get_ytplayer_config: could not find match for config_patterns Asked By: Abhijit Mondal || Source Answers: You might be running an …

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Youtube_dl : ERROR : YouTube said: Unable to extract video data

Youtube_dl : ERROR : YouTube said: Unable to extract video data Question: I’m making a little graphic interface with Python 3 which should download a youtube video with its URL. I used the youtube_dl module for that. This is my code : import youtube_dl # Youtube_dl is used for download the video ydl_opt = {"outtmpl" …

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How to Scroll Down Youtube Channel on Chrome with Selenium in Python

How to Scroll Down Youtube Channel on Chrome with Selenium in Python Question: I am trying to scroll down a YouTube Channel’s "Videos" tab so I can obtain the links to all the videos in that channel. I am using the Selenium module in Python 3, with Google Chrome as the browser. This is the …

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Get YouTube Playlist urls with python

Get YouTube Playlist urls with python Question: How I can get the playlist urls stored like here: with bs4? Using from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import requests r = requests.get(‘′) page = r.text soup=bs(page,’html.parser’) #print(soup) res=soup.find_all(‘ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer’) print(res) doesn’t return anything. Even printing the soup itself doesn’t contain the link I’am looking for (like …

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How to web scrape from youtube using Selenium and Python

How to web scrape from youtube using Selenium and Python Question: Code trilas: from selenium import webdriver from import Options import time import json options = Options() options.headless = False driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options) //used to choose options from chrome// driver.implicitly_wait(5) baseurl = ‘’ keyword = input() #user input as earth driver.get(f'{baseurl}/search?q= {keyword}’) I want …

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In Pytube, is there any way to get the highest audio quality stream?

In Pytube, is there any way to get the highest audio quality stream? Question: I was trying to make a really simple python code to get me the stream with the highest quality audio, so I first tried something like this def get_highest_audio(url): yt = YouTube(url) best_audio_stream = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).all()[1] return best_audio_stream Which did return a …

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Download youtube video to user machine on Django website

Download youtube video to user machine on Django website Question: Pretty much what the question says. Right now I have this function using pytube: def download(request, video_url): url=’’+str(video_url) homedir = os.path.expanduser(“~”) dirs = homedir + ‘/Downloads’ download = YouTube(url).streams.first().download(dirs) return redirect(‘../../’) But this downloads the video to a directory /Downloads/ in pythonanywhere – the site …

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yt.streams.get_by_resolution() returns None even though stream exists

yt.streams.get_by_resolution() returns None even though stream exists Question: I’m using pytube to download youtube videos as a part of a larger project. This is the problem causing part: from pytube import YouTube yt = YouTube(‘’) x = yt.streams.get_by_resolution(‘144p’) print(x) # output of this line is None However if I run: y = yt.streams.streams.all() print(y) # …

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