
printing the uploading progress using `xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` function

printing the uploading progress using `xarray.Dataset.to_zarr` function Question: I’m trying to upload an xarray dataset to GCP using the function ds.to_zarr(store=store), and it works perfect. However, I would like to show the progress of big datasets. Is there any option to chunk my dataset in a way I can use tqdm or someting like that …

Total answers: 1

How to create and return a Zarr file from xarray Dataset?

How to create and return a Zarr file from xarray Dataset? Question: How would I go about creating and return a file new_zarr.zarr from a xarray Dataset? I know xarray.Dataset.to_zarr() exists but this returns a ZarrStore and I must return a bytes-like object. I have tried using the tempfile module but am unsure how to …

Total answers: 1

How to store data from dask.distributed on disk?

How to store data from dask.distributed on disk? Question: I’m trying to scale my computations from local Dask Arrays to Dask Distributed. Unfortunately, I am new to distributed computed, so I could not adapt the answer here for my purpose. Mainly my problem is saving data from distributed computations back to an in-memory Zarr array …

Total answers: 1