
Python: Creating a streaming gzip'd file-like?

Python: Creating a streaming gzip'd file-like? Question: I’m trying to figure out the best way to compress a stream with Python’s zlib. I’ve got a file-like input stream (input, below) and an output function which accepts a file-like (output_function, below): with open(“file”) as input: output_function(input) And I’d like to gzip-compress input chunks before sending them …

Total answers: 6

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations Question: I am interfacing with a server that requires that data sent to it is compressed with Deflate algorithm (Huffman encoding + LZ77) and also sends data that I need to Inflate. I know that Python includes Zlib, and that the C libraries in Zlib support calls to Inflate and …

Total answers: 2