How load Static Files in Models Admin File from Django?


I have my Django static files in Amazon Servers, and I trying to load these files in my Model Admin File, but its only work with absolute URLs.

In my Django templates I load and call my static files with

{% load admin_static %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "js/myfile.js" %}"></script>

in i set this


and in my Model Admin, in moment, it only works with

class Media:
    js = ("",

How can I load these files only with the static file name?
I trying

class Media:
    js = ("{% static "js/myfile.js" %}",
          "{% static "js/myfile2.js" %}",)

but doesn’t work.

Asked By: Júlio Griebeler



How about this:

In your settings file:


It is standard settings. Note, that it must end in a slash if set to a non-empty value.

from django.conf import settings

class Media:
    js = (settings.STATIC_URL + "js/myfile.js",
          settings.STATIC_URL + "js/myfile2.js")
Answered By: defuz