How to convert raw javascript object to a dictionary?


When screen-scraping some website, I extract data from <script> tags.
The data I get is not in standard JSON format. I cannot use json.loads().

# from
js_obj = '{x:1, y:2, z:3}'

# to
py_obj = {'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}

Currently, I use regex to transform the raw data to JSON format.
But I feel pretty bad when I encounter complicated data structure.

Do you have some better solutions?

Asked By: kev



This will likely not work everywhere, but as a start, here’s a simple regex that should convert the keys into quoted strings so you can pass into json.loads. Or is this what you’re already doing?

In[70] : quote_keys_regex = r'([{s,])(w+)(:)'

In[71] : re.sub(quote_keys_regex, r'1"2"3', js_obj)
Out[71]: '{"x":1, "y":2, "z":3}'

In[72] : js_obj_2 = '{x:1, y:2, z:{k:3,j:2}}'

Int[73]: re.sub(quote_keys_regex, r'1"2"3', js_obj_2)
Out[73]: '{"x":1, "y":2, "z":{"k":3,"j":2}}'
Answered By: chrisb


import demjson

# from
js_obj = '{x:1, y:2, z:3}'

# to
py_obj = demjson.decode(js_obj)


import chompjs

# from
js_obj = '{x:1, y:2, z:3}'

# to
py_obj = chompjs.parse_js_object(js_obj)


import json, _jsonnet

# from
js_obj = '{x:1, y:2, z:3}'

# to
py_obj = json.loads(_jsonnet.evaluate_snippet('snippet', js_obj))


import ast

# from
js_obj = "{'x':1, 'y':2, 'z':3}"

# to
py_obj = ast.literal_eval(js_obj)
Answered By: kev

Not including objects


  • json.loads() doesn’t accept undefined, you have to change to null
  • json.loads() only accept double quotes
    • {"foo": 1, "bar": null}

Use this if you are sure that your javascript code only have double quotes on key names.

import json

json_text = """{"foo": 1, "bar": undefined}"""
json_text = re.sub(r'("s*:s*)undefined(s*[,}])', '\1null\2', json_text)

py_obj = json.loads(json_text)


  • ast.literal_eval() doesn’t accept undefined, you have to change to None
  • ast.literal_eval() doesn’t accept null, you have to change to None
  • ast.literal_eval() doesn’t accept true, you have to change to True
  • ast.literal_eval() doesn’t accept false, you have to change to False
  • ast.literal_eval() accept single and double quotes
    • {"foo": 1, "bar": None} or {'foo': 1, 'bar': None}
import ast

js_obj = """{'foo': 1, 'bar': undefined}"""
js_obj = re.sub(r'(['"]s*:s*)undefined(s*[,}])', '\1None\2', js_obj)
js_obj = re.sub(r'(['"]s*:s*)null(s*[,}])', '\1None\2', js_obj)
js_obj = re.sub(r'(['"]s*:s*)NaN(s*[,}])', '\1None\2', js_obj)
js_obj = re.sub(r'(['"]s*:s*)true(s*[,}])', '\1True\2', js_obj)
js_obj = re.sub(r'(['"]s*:s*)false(s*[,}])', '\1False\2', js_obj)

py_obj = ast.literal_eval(js_obj) 
Answered By: thiagola92

If you have node available on the system, you can ask it to evaluate the javascript expression for you, and print the stringified result. The resulting JSON can then be fed to json.loads:

def evaluate_javascript(s):
    """Evaluate and stringify a javascript expression in node.js, and convert the
    resulting JSON to a Python object"""
    node = Popen(['node', '-'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
    stdout, _ = node.communicate(f'console.log(JSON.stringify({s}))'.encode('utf8'))
    return json.loads(stdout.decode('utf8'))
Answered By: Chris Billington

I’m facing the same problem this afternoon, and I finally found a quite good solution. That is JSON5.

The syntax of JSON5 is more similar to native JavaScript, so it can help you parse non-standard JSON objects.

You might want to check pyjson5 out.

Answered By: Lyhokia

Use json5

import json5

js_obj = '{x:1, y:2, z:3}'

py_obj = json5.loads(js_obj)


# output
# {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
Answered By: bikram