How to uninstall mini conda? python


I’ve install the conda package as such:

$ wget
$ bash miniconda
$ conda install numpy pandas scipy matplotlib scikit-learn nltk ipython-notebook seaborn

I want to uninstall it because it’s messing up my pips and environment.

  • How do I uninstall conda totally?
  • Will it uninstall also my pip managed packages? If so, is there a way to uninstall conda safely without uninstalling packages managed by pip?
Asked By: alvas



In order to uninstall miniconda, simply remove the miniconda folder,

rm -r ~/miniconda/

As for avoiding conflicts between different Python environments, you can use virtual environments. In particular, with Miniconda, the following workflow could be used,

$ wget -O ~/
$ bash miniconda
$ conda env remove --yes -n new_env    # remove the environement new_env if it exists (optional)
$ conda create --yes -n new_env pip numpy pandas scipy matplotlib scikit-learn nltk ipython-notebook seaborn python=2
$ activate new_env
$ # pip install modules if needed, run python scripts, etc
  # everything will be installed in the new_env
  # located in ~/miniconda/envs/new_env
$ deactivate
Answered By: rth

your have to comment that line in ~/.bashrc:

#export PATH=/home/jolth/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

and run:

source ~/.bashrc
Answered By: Jolth

If you are using windows, just search for miniconda and you’ll find the folder. Go into the folder and you’ll find a miniconda uninstall exe file. Run it.

Answered By: Sunil Mathew

The proper way to fully uninstall conda (Anaconda / Miniconda):

  1. Remove all conda-related files and directories using the Anaconda-Clean package

    conda activate your_conda_env_name
    conda install anaconda-clean
    anaconda-clean # add `--yes` to avoid being prompted to delete each one
  2. Remove your entire conda directory

    rm -rf ~/miniconda3
  3. Remove the line which adds the conda path to the PATH environment variable

    vi ~/.bashrc
    # -> Search for conda and delete the lines containing it
    # -> If you're not sure if the line belongs to conda, comment it instead of deleting it just to be safe
    source ~/.bashrc
  4. Remove the backup folder created by the the Anaconda-Clean package
    NOTE: Think twice before doing this, because after that you won’t be able to restore anything from your old conda installation!

    rm -rf ~/.anaconda_backup

Reference: Official conda documentation

Answered By: tsveti_iko

To update @Sunil answer: Under Windows, Miniconda has a regular uninstaller. Go to the menu "Settings/Apps/Apps&Features", or click the Start button, type "uninstall", then click on "Add or Remove Programs" and finally on the Miniconda uninstaller.

Answered By: divenex