Python Dict Comprehension to Create and Update Dictionary


I have a list of dictionaries (data) and want to convert it into dictionary (x) as below.
I am using following ‘for loop’ to achieve.

data = [{'Dept': '0123', 'Name': 'Tom'},
        {'Dept': '0123', 'Name': 'Cheryl'},
        {'Dept': '0123', 'Name': 'Raj'},
        {'Dept': '0999', 'Name': 'Tina'}]
x = {}

for i in data:
    if i['Dept'] in x:
        x[i['Dept']] = [i['Name']]

x -> {'0999': ['Tina'], '0123': ['Tom', 'Cheryl', 'Raj']}

Is it possible to implement the above logic in dict comprehension or any other more pythonic way?

Asked By: akshat



It seems way too complicated to be allowed into any code that matters even the least bit, but just for fun, here you go:

    dept: [item['Name'] for item in data if item['Dept'] == dept]
    for dept in {item['Dept'] for item in data}
Answered By: Underyx

The dict comprehension, even though not impossible, might not be the best choice. May I suggest using a defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict

dic = defaultdict(list)
for i in data:
Answered By: Julien Spronck