How to get a GET request values' list in Django?


I’ve an endpoint:['omn','aad']

I need to get the status list, hence I do the following


It returns me:


which is a list of string of list.

I then use ast.literal_eval to convert string of list to list. Is there a direct method to get the list of status?
Asked By: Praful Bagai



request.GET['status'] would return you ['omn', 'aad'].

Answered By: HiroshiFuu

Don’t send it in that format in the first place. The standard way of sending multiple values for a single HTML is to send the parameter multiple times:

which will correctly give you ['omn','aad'] when you use request.GET.getlist('status').

Answered By: Daniel Roseman

Expanding on @DanielRoseman’s answer.

The correct way would be to pass each variable as described:

However, if you’re using modern Javascript frameworks (Vue, Angular, React) there’s a good chance you’re passing params as an object (e.g., if you’re working with axios, VueResource, etc). So, this is the work around:


let params = {
   status: ['omn', 'aad',]

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  axios.get(`/auction/`, { params: params }, }).then(response => {
  }).catch(error => {

This will then dispatch to Django as the following URL:

[05/Aug/2019 10:04:42] "GET /auction/?status[]=omn&status[]=aad HTTP/1.1" 200 2418

Which can then be picked up in the corresponding view as:

# Before constructing **parameters, it may neccessary to filter out any supurfluous key, value pair that do not correspond to model attributes:
parameters['status__in'] = request.GET.getlist('status[]')

# Using parameters constructed above, filter the Auctions for given status:
auctions = Auction.objects.filter(is_active=True)

auctions = auctions.filter(**parameters)
Answered By: Micheal J. Roberts

Here is the documentation of HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse

Request Response Objects

Answered By: Asad Shakeel

For example, if you access the url below:

Then, you can get the GET request values’ list in as shown below. *My answer explains how to get a POST request values’ list in Django and my answer explains how to get GET request values in Django:

# ""

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):

    print(request.GET.getlist('fruits')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.GET.getlist('meat')) # []
    print(request.GET.getlist('meat', "Doesn't exist")) # Doesn't exist
    print(request.GET._getlist('fruits')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.GET._getlist('meat')) # []
    print(request.GET._getlist('meat', "Doesn't exist")) # Doesn't exist
    print(list(request.GET.lists())) # [('fruits', ['apple', 'orange'])]
    print(dict(request.GET)) # {'fruits': ['apple', 'orange']}
    print(request.META['QUERY_STRING']) # fruits=apple&fruits=orange
    print(request.META.get('QUERY_STRING')) # fruits=apple&fruits=orange

    return render(request, 'index.html')

Then, you can get the GET request values’ list in index.html as shown below:

{# "index.html" #}

{{ request.META.QUERY_STRING }} {# fruits=apple&fruits=orange #}

In addition, if you access the url below:,orange

Then, you can get the GET request values’ list in as shown below:

# ""

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):

    print(request.GET['fruits'].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.GET.getlist('fruits')[0].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.GET._getlist('fruits')[0].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(list(request.GET.values())[0].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(list(request.GET.items())[0][1].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(list(request.GET.lists())[0][1][0].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.GET.dict()['fruits'].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(dict(request.GET)['fruits'][0].split(',')) # ['apple', 'orange']
    print(request.META['QUERY_STRING']) # fruits=apple,orange
    print(request.META.get('QUERY_STRING')) # fruits=apple,orange

    return render(request, 'index.html')

Then, you can get the GET request values’ list in index.html as shown below:

{# "index.html" #}

{{ request.GET.fruits }} {# apple,orange #}
{{ request.GET.dict }} {# {'fruits': 'apple,orange'} #}
{{ request.META.QUERY_STRING }} {# fruits=apple,orange #}