
Django. POST request after reloading a page. Sign up form

Django. POST request after reloading a page. Sign up form Question: When user enters incorrect data in form, he gets errors. If after that user reloads a page, he gets the same page, the same form with the same fields, errors. I don’t know why after reloading a page request is POST. Every time after …

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DjangoRestFramwork how to override ModelViewSet get method

DjangoRestFramwork how to override ModelViewSet get method Question: I have a model like this : class AccountViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): """ A simple ViewSet for viewing and editing accounts. """ queryset = Account.objects.all() serializer_class = AccountSerializer permission_classes = [IsAccountAdminOrReadOnly] How do I override the get method so when I hit /api/accounts/8 I can add some code before returning …

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Working script gives error when getting more lines from get-connector

Working script gives error when getting more lines from get-connector Question: I have written a code to get data from a getconnector. While getting data from 15 days everything works fine, but when getting data from 30 days I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:sourcereposCabman Get-AllCabman", line 46, in …

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How do I efficiently check if data was returned in my GET request?

How do I efficiently check if data was returned in my GET request? Question: I am webscraping and need to parse through a few thousand GET requests at a time. Sometimes these requests fail and I get 429 and/or 403 errors so I need to check if there is data before parsing the response. I …

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How to get "GET" response in Python as array?

How to get "GET" response in Python as array? Question: I get response as text: import requests as req url = ‘’ resp = req.get(url) print(resp.text) # Printing response Example I want variable as array with same data. Like an array = resp.text And then i can: array[0][‘market’] and get Deepcoint(Deriatives) output Asked By: Lucky …

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How to fix error "raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end) json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column 8 (char 7)"

How to fix error "raise JSONDecodeError("Extra data", s, end) json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Extra data: line 1 column 8 (char 7)" Question: I’m trying to read data from json file by following code but i get error, any idea how to fix that? file= open("C:\Users\User\Desktop\Post.json",’r’) request_json=json.loads(json_in) print(request_json) Json file "name": "Test", "job": "Programer" Asked By: Moshe || …

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FuelSDK: use get() to pull salesforce items into a dataframe

FuelSDK: use get() to pull salesforce items into a dataframe Question: I’m attempting to use Salesforce FuelSDK to pull audit items (i.e. click events, unsub events, bounce events, etc.) from our client’s Marketing Cloud. I’m sure this is down to my inexperience with APIs, but although I’m able to get a success code from "get()", …

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PAGE NOT FOUND- ERROR(404);GET request; django-python

PAGE NOT FOUND- ERROR(404);GET request; django-python Question: Lately I have been trying to use the GET request in django-python. However I run into a 404 error when I do so. I want the program to print the parameter given to it. URL PATTERN : path(‘add<int:hello>/’,views.add,name = ‘Add’) VIEWS.PY: def add(request,num1): val1 = request.GET["num1"] return HttpResponse(request,"Hello") …

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Understanding "GET" with Flask and Python

Understanding "GET" with Flask and Python Question: I am trying to understand how GET works along with Flask and Python. The following is my source code: from flask import * app = Flask(__name__) @app.route(‘/’, methods=[‘GET’]) def login(): uname = request.args.get(‘uname’) passwrd = request.args.get(‘pass’) if uname == "ayush" and passwrd == "google": return "Welcome %s" …

Total answers: 1