
Python: request url and get contents

Python: request url and get contents Question: I am trying to get transaction history for the following address 9QgXqrgdbVU8KcpfskqJpAXKzbaYQJecgMAruSWoXDkM from the website. I have tried url="" output = requests.get(url).text print(output) However this gives me raw html output. How can I get the transactions from the url? Asked By: MathMan 99 || Source Answers: The …

Total answers: 1

Python: download a report from SQL Server Reporting Services with requests

Python: download a report from SQL Server Reporting Services with requests Question: I’m trying to get a report from SQL Server Reporting Services with the py package requests, but I’m getting the 401 error. If I access the SQL server via web, there is a pop-up asking me for user/pwd, I guess I’m failing to …

Total answers: 2

GET Request with JS

GET Request with JS Question: i need to send a GET request from my JavaScript function to my python flask app. However, i tried to type the URL with the parameters manually and it worked. But i can’t send the same request in a JS function. Response type is HTML. This is how the URL …

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How to get all GET request values in Django?

How to get all GET request values in Django? Question: How can I get all of those url parameters (1, 12-18, 5,Happy birthday) in Django? https://domain/method/?1=’12-18’&5=’Happy birthday’ I have tried: parameter = request.GET.get("1", "") But I only get 12-18. Asked By: Byusa || Source Answers: The second parameter is 5, so you access ‘Happy birthday’: …

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FastAPI – GET request results in typeerror (value is not a valid dict)

FastAPI – GET request results in typeerror (value is not a valid dict) Question: this is my database schema. I defined my Schema like this: from pydantic import BaseModel class Userattribute(BaseModel): name: str value: str user_id: str id: str This is my model: class Userattribute(Base): __tablename__ = "user_attribute" name = Column(String) value = Column(String) user_id …

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Unable to access docker container Socket hang up error

Unable to access docker container Socket hang up error Question: I have successfully built and started the docker container, it is running perfectly, but when I try to access it [End point url] I am getting a "socket hang up" error GET Error: socket hang up Request Headers User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.8 Accept: */* Postman-Token: …

Total answers: 4

Getting 400 Bad Request error with Python Socket GET request

Getting 400 Bad Request error with Python Socket GET request Question: for a school assignment I need to send GET requests and receive the data using only sockets. I keep getting an HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request error, no matter how I try to format the GET request. Here is my code(please excuse me if it’s …

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How after clicking the button to intercept a get-request using selenium python?

How after clicking the button to intercept a get-request using selenium python? Question: I want to programmatically get a get-request that appears in chrome devtools(network) after clicking on the “play audio” button. Get-request will enter the page with the audio source. How can this be implemented on python using selenium ? Asked By: Roman || …

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Python Requests – pass parameter via GET

Python Requests – pass parameter via GET Question: I am trying to call an API and pass some parameters to it. My endpoint should look like: (food is the parameter) import requests parametervalue = "food" r = requests.get("", parametervalue) When I do print r.url, I do not get the correct result – the value …

Total answers: 1