Interactive CLI packages – checkboxes & selection


I am trying to learn more about making some cool CLI interfaces to provide the options for some local scripts. By digging into the source of the yeoman-generator I was able to come across inquirer for Node, which is how I learned that it was possible. (Example of what it looks like below)

Specifically I want to be able to do something like display a list of checkboxes and use some key to select multiple options and then continue.

Is anyone familiar with any packages/modules for other CLI languages that would allow me to do something similar? I like Node, but do not generally use it for scripting. Something in Python, Ruby or Go (I just started playing with Go) would be ideal


Asked By: mrosales



The package which has been around for many years is called Curses. The modern version package is actually called nCurses, but is still compatible with the original one. Here’s a sample screenshot:

enter image description here

I haven’t tried it with Unicode characters – it should work, and then you can use more fancy characters to mark checkbuttons and such.

Curses is available for Python, Ruby and Go (and C and many other languages!).

Answered By: jcoppens

I am a bit late to the party, but for anyone looking for such libraries now:

Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of beaupy

Answered By: LordBertson