Python: Write unittest for console print


Function foo prints to console. I want to test the console print. How can I achieve this in python?

Need to test this function, has NO return statement :

def foo(inStr):
   print "hi"+inStr

My test :

def test_foo():
    cmdProcess = subprocess.Popen(foo("test"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    cmdOut = cmdProcess.communicate()[0]
    self.assertEquals("hitest", cmdOut)
Asked By: sudhishkr



You can easily capture standard output by just temporarily redirecting sys.stdout to a StringIO object, as follows:

import StringIO
import sys

def foo(inStr):
    print "hi"+inStr

def test_foo():
    capturedOutput = StringIO.StringIO()          # Create StringIO object
    sys.stdout = capturedOutput                   #  and redirect stdout.
    foo('test')                                   # Call unchanged function.
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__                   # Reset redirect.
    print 'Captured', capturedOutput.getvalue()   # Now works as before.


The output of this program is:

Captured hitest

showing that the redirection successfully captured the output and that you were able to restore the output stream to what it was before you began the capture.

Note that the code above in for Python 2.7, as the question indicates. Python 3 is slightly different:

import io
import sys

def foo(inStr):
    print ("hi"+inStr)

def test_foo():
    capturedOutput = io.StringIO()                  # Create StringIO object
    sys.stdout = capturedOutput                     #  and redirect stdout.
    foo('test')                                     # Call function.
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__                     # Reset redirect.
    print ('Captured', capturedOutput.getvalue())   # Now works as before.

Answered By: paxdiablo

This Python 3 answer uses unittest.mock. It also uses a reusable helper method assert_stdout, although this helper is specific to the function being tested.

import io
import unittest
import unittest.mock

from .solution import fizzbuzz

class TestFizzBuzz(unittest.TestCase):

    @unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout', new_callable=io.StringIO)
    def assert_stdout(self, n, expected_output, mock_stdout):
        self.assertEqual(mock_stdout.getvalue(), expected_output)

    def test_only_numbers(self):
        self.assert_stdout(2, '1n2n')

Note that the mock_stdout arg is passed automatically by the unittest.mock.patch decorator to the assert_stdout method.

A general-purpose TestStdout class, possibly a mixin, can in principle be derived from the above.

For those using Python ≥3.4, contextlib.redirect_stdout also exists, but it seems to serve no benefit over unittest.mock.patch.

Answered By: Asclepius

If you happen to use pytest, it has builtin output capturing. Example (pytest-style tests):

def eggs():

def test_spam(capsys):
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == 'eggsn'

You can also use it with unittest test classes, although you need to passthrough the fixture object into the test class, for example via an autouse fixture:

import unittest
import pytest

class TestSpam(unittest.TestCase):

    def _pass_fixtures(self, capsys):
        self.capsys = capsys

    def test_eggs(self):
        captured = self.capsys.readouterr()
        self.assertEqual('eggsn', captured.out)

Check out Accessing captured output from a test function for more info.

Answered By: hoefling

You can also use the mock package as shown below, which is an example from

from mock import patch

def greet(name):
    print('Hello ', name)

def test_greet(mock_print):
    # The actual test
    mock_print.assert_called_with('Hello ', 'John')
    mock_print.assert_called_with('Hello ', 'Eric')
Answered By: slaughter98

The answer of @Acumenus says:

It also uses a reusable helper method assert_stdout, although this helper is specific to the function being tested.

the bold part seems a big drawback, thus I would do the following instead:

# extend unittest.TestCase with new functionality
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def assertStdout(self, expected_output):
        return _AssertStdoutContext(self, expected_output)

    # as a bonus, this syntactical sugar becomes possible:
    def assertPrints(self, *expected_output):
        expected_output = "n".join(expected_output) + "n"
        return _AssertStdoutContext(self, expected_output)

class _AssertStdoutContext:

    def __init__(self, testcase, expected):
        self.testcase = testcase
        self.expected = expected
        self.captured = io.StringIO()

    def __enter__(self):
        sys.stdout = self.captured
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        captured = self.captured.getvalue()
        self.testcase.assertEqual(captured, self.expected)

this allows for the much nicer and much more re-usable:

# in a specific test case, the new method(s) can be used
class TestPrint(TestCase):

    def test_print1(self):
        with self.assertStdout("testn"):

by using a straight forward context manager. (It might also be desirable to append "n" to expected_output since print() adds a newline by default. See next example…)

Furthermore, this very nice variant (for an arbitrary number of prints!)

    def test_print2(self):
        with self.assertPrints("test1", "test2"):

is possible now.

Answered By: NichtJens

Another variant is leaning on the logging module rather than print(). This module also has a suggestion of when to use print in the documentation:

Display console output for ordinary usage of a command line script or program

PyTest has built-in support for testing logging messages.

Answered By: Florian

You can also capture the standard output of a method using contextlib.redirect_stdout:

import unittest
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from io import StringIO

class TestMyStuff(unittest.TestCase):
    # ...
    def test_stdout(self):
        with redirect_stdout(StringIO()) as sout:
        # the stream replacing `stdout` is available outside the `with`
        # you may wish to strip the trailing newline
        retval = sout.getvalue().rstrip('n')

        # test the string captured from `stdout`
        self.assertEqual(retval, "whatever_retval_should_be")

Gives you a locally scoped solution. It is also possible to capture the standard error using contextlib.redirect_stderr().

Answered By: András Aszódi