Import pytz into AWS lambda function


I’m writing a lambda function that works with datetimes and trying to import pytz so I can have timezone be accounted for when comparing.

import boto3
import pytz
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

causes this to display

{errorMessage=Unable to import module 'lambda_function'}

but when I remove import pytz the function fires (it just doesn’t work properly without timezone info)

Asked By: Scott Decker



You need to install the pytz package so it’s available for your lambda. The way you do this is having pip install it into the directory you are going to zip and upload to AWS (i.e. peered with the file containing your lambda function).

pip install -t path/to/your/lambda pytz

Then when you zip it up and upload it, it will be available.

Editing to add that I created a tool to do a lot of this for you – you can find it here:

Answered By: jimjkelly

If you don’t have access to pytz in your environment, maybe you have access to python-dateutil. In that case you can do:

import datetime

eastern ='US/Eastern')

REF. How to get current time in Pacific Timezone when import pytz fails?

Answered By: yarick

I ran into this issue today. The way I solved is

  • Package a pytz zip file in the format python/pytz/… the library file
  • Created a Lambda Layer
    enter image description here
  • In my lambda used the above layer
Answered By: cheframzi

To follow up on @cheframzi’s answer to "Package a pytz zip file in the format python/pytz/…" as a Lambda Layer, here is one way to do that.

mkdir python
pip3 install -t python pytz=='2019.2'
zip -r python
rm -rf python

And then you can use aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name <layer_name> --zip-file fileb://./ to deploy a new version of the layer.

As long as the library is installed at the python/pytz level of the zip file, AWS Lambda should be able to find it. You can also put it inside python/lib/python3.8/site-packagespytz though for your specific python runtime version per here:

Answered By: fred271828

I’ve spent few hours for this pytz issue.
With AWS you can try using the gettz method from ‘’.
This way you can get the desired result that you were getting with pytz.
In my case I required isoformat time (in utc with (+00:00) timezone).

from datetime import datetime
from import gettz'UTC')).isoformat() # same result as
Answered By: Ankush

You can also add public ARNs as Lambda layers, I used this

Answered By: Sergio Lucero
import datetime as dt

aesttime ='Australia/Brisbane')
print("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
Answered By: Shyam Gupta