Get system local timezone in python


Seems strange, but I cannot find an easy way to find the local timezone using pandas/pytz in Python.

I can do:

>>> pd.Timestamp('now', tz='utc').isoformat()
Out[47]: '2016-01-28T09:36:35.604000+00:00'
>>> pd.Timestamp('now').isoformat()
Out[48]: '2016-01-28T10:36:41.830000'
>>> pd.Timestamp('now').tz_localize('utc') - pd.Timestamp('now', tz='utc')
Out[49]: Timedelta('0 days 01:00:00')

Which will give me the timezone, but this is probably not the best way to do it…
Is there a command in pytz or pandas to get the system time zone? (preferably in python 2.7 )

Asked By: ntg



I don’t think this is possible using pytz or pandas, but you can always install python-dateutil or tzlocal:

from import tzlocal


from tzlocal import get_localzone
local_tz = get_localzone()
Answered By: Selcuk

time.timezone should work.

The offset of the local (non-DST) timezone, in seconds west of UTC
(negative in most of Western Europe, positive in the US, zero in the

Dividing by 3600 will give you the offset in hours:

import time

print(time.timezone / 3600.0)

This does not require any additional Python libraries.

Answered By: Martin Evans

While it doesn’t use pytz/Pandas, the other answers don’t either, so I figured I should post what I’m using on mac/linux:

import subprocess
timezone = subprocess.check_output("date +%Z")

Benefits over the other answers: respects daylight savings time, doesn’t require additional libraries to be installed.

Answered By: jeremysprofile

I have found that in many cases this works: (Since Python 3.6)

from datetime import datetime

# use this extension and it adds the timezone
tznow =

# It shows that it does have a valid timezone
<class 'datetime.timezone'>

I find this handy as it does not depend on external packages. It appears to work only in Python3 (but not in Python2)

Answered By: mjn

Quite a few locale time related settings from OS level is covered by time module

import time

# Since Python 3.3
local_time = time.localtime()         # returns a `time.struct_time`
tzname_local = local_time.tm_zone     # 'EST'
dst = local_time.tm_isdst             # _from docs_: may be set to 1 when daylight savings time is in effect, 
                                      # and 0 when it is not. A value of -1 indicates that this is not known, 
                                      # and will usually result in the correct state being filled in.

tm_gmtoff and tm_zone attributes are available on platforms with C library supporting the corresponding fields in struct tm.

# At least from Python 2.7.18
local_tzname = time.tzname            # 'EST'

A tuple of two strings: the first is the name of the local non-DST timezone, the second is the name of the local DST timezone. If no DST timezone is defined, the second string should not be used.

Another trick is to use as found here and the reason why it fails on python 2.x

from datetime import datetime

# Python 3 will return a datetime with local timezone,
local_now =    

# Doesn't work on python 2.x 
#                -> TypeError: Required argument 'tz' (pos 1) not found
# -> ValueError: astimezone() cannot be applied to a naive datetime

local_tz = local_now.tzinfo  # datetime.timezone
local_tzname = local_tz.tzname(local_now)
Answered By: deadvoid