Use anaconda environment without activate? (e.g. in Crontab)


Being reading this

Is it possible to run a conda python directly without having to source activate xxx?

In VirtualEnv, you can find the exact location of the python executable and run something like this


Then will be executed with environment on. It’s handy to write one-linders in Crontab.

Could I do the same with anaconda/miniconda environments?

I’ve been trying this on Centos 6.5, system has python 2.5 which is too old.

I installed python 2.7 with miniconda, now I pip installed uWSGI, when executing it directly says

Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
ImportError: No module named site

But when execute it under conda env it works as expected.

Asked By: est



If conda is on your path:

source activate <env name> && python && source deactivate

If conda isn’t on your path but is installed:

source /path/to/conda/bin/activate /path/to/desired/env_name/ && python && source deactivate

Answered By: Eric Dill

Actually, you can do exactly the same as in venv in miniconda.
If path_to_miniconda is your installation dir of miniconda, then


should work.

Answered By: GrigorisG

You can use conda run (since v3.6) to use a specified environemnt to run your command without activating the environment. For example

# run scripts or commands against specific environment
conda run -n myenv python

# or run an python interactively 
conda run -n myenv --no-capture-output python
Answered By: link89