What do we call this (new?) higher-order function?


I am trying to name what I think is a new idea for a higher-order function. I want to call it a BinaryProjection, but my compatriot wants to call it the Plow. We tossed around the idea of a Snow Blower for a minute, too. Anyway, to the important part, here is the code in Python and Haskell to demonstrate the concept, which will be explained afterward.


>>> def plow(f, l):
       return map(lambda t: f(*t), zip(l, l[1:]))
>>> plow(operator.add, [0, 1, 2, 3])
[1, 3, 5]


Prelude> let binaryProjection f xs = zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> binaryProjection (+) [0,1,2,3]

As you may be able to infer, the sequence is being iterated through, utilizing adjacent elements as the parameters for the function you pass it, projecting the results into a new sequence. So, has anyone seen the functionality we’ve created? Is this familiar at all to those in the functional community? If not, what do we name it?

---- Update ----

There are three candidates for the name. meld, pinch, and pleat. In Haskell, they would be implemented as so (using "meld"):

Prelude> let meld xs = zip xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> meld [1..4]

Prelude> let meldWith f xs = zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs)
Prelude> meldWith (+) [1..4]

I think it’s time for a vote. I’m partial to pinch or pleat, myself.

Asked By: Squirrelsama



Here’s another implementation for Python which works if l is a generator too

import itertools as it

def apply_pairwise(f, l):
    left, right = it.tee(l)
    return it.starmap(f, it.izip(left, right))

I think apply_pairwise is a better name

Answered By: John La Rooy

Since it’s similar to “fold” but doesn’t collapse the list into a single value, how about “crease”? If you keep “creasing”, you end up “folding” (sort of).

We could go with a cooking metaphor and call it “pinch”, like pinching the crust of a pie, though this might suggest a circular zipping, where the last element of the list is paired with the first.

def pinch(f, l):
    return map(lambda t: f(*t), zip(l, l[1:]+l[:1]))

(If you only like one of “crease” or “pinch”, please note so as a comment. Should these be separate suggestions?)

Answered By: outis

So because there seems to be no name for this I suggest ‘merger’ or simple ‘merge’ because you are merging adjacent values together.

So merge is already taken so I now suggest ‘meld’ (or ‘merger’ still but that may be too close to ‘merge’)

For example:

meld :: (a -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
meld _ [] = []
meld f xs = zipWith f (init xs) (tail xs)

Which can be used as:

> meld (+) [1..10]
> meld compare "hello world"

Where the second example makes no real sense but makes a cool example.

Answered By: Robert Massaioli

I really can’t see any codified names for this anywhere in Python, that’s for sure. “Merge” is good but spoken for in a variety of other contexts. “Plow” tends to be unused and supplies a great visual of pushing steadily through a line of soil. Maybe I’ve just spent too much time gardening.

I also expanded the principle to allow functions that receive any number of parameters.

You might also consider: Pleat. It describes well the way you’re taking a list (like a long strand of fabric) and bunching segments of it together.

import operator

def stagger(l, w):
    if len(l)>=w:
        return [tuple(l[0:w])]+stagger(l[1:], w)
    return []

def pleat(f, l, w=2):
    return map(lambda p: f(*p), stagger(l, w))

print pleat(operator.add, range(10))
print pleat(lambda x, y, z: x*y/z, range(3, 13), 3)
print pleat(lambda x: "~%s~"%(x), range(10), 1)
print pleat(lambda a, b, x, y: a+b==x+y, [3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 0, 9, 9, 0], 4)
Answered By: Ishpeck

zipWithTail or adjacentPairs.

Answered By: wnoise

I vote for smearWith or smudgeWith because it’s like you are smearing/smudging the operation across the list.

Answered By: Jake McArthur

BinaryOperate or BinaryMerge

Answered By: pirhac

In Python the meld equivalent is in the itertools receipes and called pairwise.

from itertools import starmap, izp, tee

def pairwise(iterable):
    "s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ..."
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return izip(a, b)

So I would call it:

def pairwith(func, seq):
    return starmap(func, pairwise(seq))

I think this makes sense because when you call it with the identity function, it simply returns pairs.

Answered By: Jochen Ritzel

Hmm… a counterpoint.

(`ap` tail) . zipWith

doesn’t deserve a name.

BTW, quicksilver says:


The Aztec god of consecutive numbers

Answered By: Don Stewart

Using Mathematica

Plus @@@ Partition[{0, 1, 2, 3}, 2, 1]
or either of these more verbose alternatives

Apply[Plus, Partition[{0, 1, 2, 3}, 2, 1], {1}]
Map[Apply[Plus, #] &, Partition[{0, 1, 2, 3}, 2, 1]]

I have used and enjoyed this higher order function in many languages but I have enjoyed it the most in Mathematica; it seems succinct and flexible broken down into Partition and Apply with levelspec option.

Answered By: Davorak

this seems like ruby’s each_cons

ruby-1.9.2-p0 > (1..10).each_cons(2).to_a

=> [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7], [7, 8], [8, 9], [9, 10]] 
Answered By: Martin DeMello

This reminds me of convolution from image processing. But not sure if this is mathematically correct.

Answered By: sfty

The generalized variant of the plain zip version of this is what I would think of as window. Not at a ghci terminal right now, but I think window n = take n . tails. Then your function is zipWith ([x,yj -> f x y) . window 2. This sort of style naturally works better when f is of type [a] -> b.

Answered By: sclv

I’d be tempted to call it contour as I’ve used it for “contour” processing in music software – at the time I called it twomap or something silly like that.

There are also two specific named ‘contours’ in music processing one is gross contour – does the pitch go up or down. The other is refined contour where the the contour is either up, down, leap up or leap down, though I can’t seem to find a reference for how large the semitone difference has to be to make a leap.

Answered By: Stephen Tetley

in C++ Standard Template Library, it is called adjacent_difference (though the operator can be any operation, not just subtraction)

Answered By: newacct

Nice idiom! I just needed to use this in Perl to determine the time between sequential events. Here’s what I ended up with.

sub pinch(&@) {
  my ( $f, @list ) = @_;
  no strict "refs";

  use vars qw( $a $b );

  my $caller = caller;
  local( *{$caller . "::a"} ) = my $a;
  local( *{$caller . "::b"} ) = my $b;

  my @res;
  for ( my $i = 0; $i < @list - 1; ++$i ) {
    $a = $list[$i];
    $b = $list[$i + 1];
    push( @res, $f->() );
  wantarray ? @res : @res;

print join( ",", pinch { $b - $a } qw( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ) ), $/;
# ==> 1,1,1,1,1,1

The implementation could probably be prettier if I’d made it dependent on List::Util, but… meh!

Answered By: Chris Waterson