
Need for both CV and train-test-split to assess a model's performance

Need for both CV and train-test-split to assess a model's performance Question: This is a theoretical question. Suppose I am working on a supervised learning model to predict employee attrition based on some categorical and numerical features. I have a small dataset of 500 employees. I want to try a few models, such as a …

Total answers: 1

Does the preprocessing of one algorithm change the conditions of the experiment?

Does the preprocessing of one algorithm change the conditions of the experiment? Question: As an example, We have two algorithms that utilize the same dataset and the same train and test data: 1 – uses k-NN and returns the accuracy; 2 -applies preprocessing before k-NN and adds a few more things, before returning the accuracy. …

Total answers: 1

Should None be considered a data type? (Python)

Should None be considered a data type? (Python) Question: I know this sounds stupid, but I’m reading a programming book and they talk about how print() can return nothing (None). They use this code to explain it. a = 10 b = 15 c = print(‘a =’, a, ‘b=’, b) print(c) I get it, c …

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What is Type Completeness Principle?

What is Type Completeness Principle? Question: In the book Programming Language Design Concepts, it says : PYTHON counts procedures as first-class values, along with all primitive and composite values. Thus PYTHON conforms well to the Type Completeness Principle. I still didn’t get it. Asked By: Still Learning || Source Answers: The Type Completeness Principle: No …

Total answers: 1

"Flat is better than nested" – for data as well as code?

"Flat is better than nested" – for data as well as code? Question: This question got me thinking: should we apply the principle that “flat is better than nested” to data as well as to code? Even when there is a “logical tree structure” to the data? In this case, I suppose it would mean …

Total answers: 6

What do we call this (new?) higher-order function?

What do we call this (new?) higher-order function? Question: I am trying to name what I think is a new idea for a higher-order function. I want to call it a BinaryProjection, but my compatriot wants to call it the Plow. We tossed around the idea of a Snow Blower for a minute, too. Anyway, …

Total answers: 16