What type of Exception should SQLAlchemy model raise when an object is not found in DB?


I have a web-app that uses SQLAlchemy with the Flask framework.

Below is My SQLAlchemy model (simplified):

class MyModelA(db.Model):
    a_id = db.Column(UUIDType(binary=False), nullable=False, primary_key=True)

    def get_model_a(cls, a_id):
            found_a = cls.query.get(a_id)
        except StatementError:  # when a_id is not a 16-character string
            raise SomeException
            if found_a is None:
                raise SomeException

Here is the Flask method that implements the HTTP endpoint which lets users query the database with an aID:

@app.route('/does_a_exist', methods=['post'])
def does_a_exist():
        variable_id = request.get_json().get('a_id')
        s = len(variable_id) # None object haven't any length
    except SomeException:
        return jsonify(goodbye='world'), httplib.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
        return jsonify(hello='world'), httplib.HTTP_200_OK

When the get_model_a() fails to find the database row with the given a_id, I want it to raise an exception (SomeException) which will be caught by the does_a_exist() which will respond to the user with a 404.

My question is: Which Exception class is most suitable to be used in place of SomeException?? Can someone recommend one? I’m a SQLAlchemy newbie but I know Django well. In Django I would have raised an ObjectDoesNotExist Exception. What is the corresponding SQLAlchemy exception I should use here?

Asked By: Saqib Ali



If you do not want to create your own exception class for this error, the sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound should suit your purposes.

The docs describe the exception as:

A database result was required but none was found.


SQLAlchemy already has this feature built in with the .one() method where it either returns exactly one result or raises an sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound exception.

Answered By: danielx